
Classification system of the library of the German Liturgical Institute

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A Resources: reference works, encyclopedia, dictionaries, etc. (non-liturgical)
B Collected works: commemorative publications, biographies (other than hagiographies and histories of popes), collected works; bibliologies and librarianship
C Liturgy in general: Handbooks, dictionaries, introductions, comprehensive works, basics
D History of the liturgy in general
E Eucharistic liturgy
F Other sacramental celebrations: Sources (Pontifical and Ritual) and treatises (sacraments, sacramentals with benedictions, exorcisms, etc.)
G Liturgies of the Hours (including psalms in the liturgy) & the Celebrations of the Word
H Church year, calender, veneration of saints
I (History of) art, church architecture and furnishing, liturgical equipment and vesture
K Prayer, (history of) piety, pilgrimages and processions, miscellaneous forms of spirituality; collections of prayer books
L Non-Roman Catholic western Churches and their liturgies (Old Spanish, Ambrosian, Gallian, Glagolitic)
M Churches of the Reformation and their liturgies (including the Lima Liturgy)
N Anglican Churches and their liturgies; Old Catholic Churches and their liturgies
O Oriental Churches and their liturgies
P Other theological sujects: Bible and biblical studies; dogmatics, fundamental theology, ecumenical theology, pastoral theology, catechetics, homiletics, canon law
Q History of the Church, Patristics
R Pre- and extra-Christian religions and cults (i.e. pre-Christian pagan cults, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism)
S (Church) music, hymnology, collections of song books
T Liturgical model celebrations and practical materials excepting: dance, games (see CMF), First Communion (see ERD), celebration of the sacraments (see F), Celebrations of the Word (see GS), Church year (see HV), forms of piety (see KK/KJ)
U Humanities
V Trevirensia
W special exhibits

AResources: reference works, encyclopedia, dictionaries, etc. (non-liturgical)
author title year AAgeneral resources: Reference works, encyclopaedias, lexicons
author title year ABdictionaries
author title yearABAGerman
author title yearABBHebrew
author title yearABCGreek
author title yearABDLatin
author title year001 - 199   classical Latinity
author title year200 - 399   late antique and mediaeval Latin
author title year400 - 599   modern Latin
author title year600 - 899   ecclesial Latin
author title year900 - 999   gazetteers of Latin names and places, etc.
author title yearABEEnglish
author title yearABFFrench
author title yearABGItalian
author title yearABHSpanish, Catalan
author title yearABIPortuguese
author title yearABKDutch
author title yearABLNordic languages
author title yearABMSlavic languages
author title yearABNOriental languages
author title yearABOmiscellaneous
author title year ACyearbooks, statistics, addresses
author title yearACAyearbooks and statistics: general
author title yearACByearbooks and statistics: ecclesial
author title yearACCaddress books
author title year ADbiographical handbooks
author title yearADAgeneral
author title yearADBecclesial
author title year AEtheological lexica and encyclopaedias
author title yearAEACatholic
author title yearAEBProtestant
author title yearAECspecial lexica
author title year AFscientific resources
BCollected works: commemorative publications, biographies (other than hagiographies and histories of popes), collected works; bibliologies and librarianship
author title year BAcommemorative publications (non-thematic) of places, abbeys, various institutions (alphabetical)
author title year BBcommemorative publications (non-thematic) of places, abbeys, other institutions (alphabetical)
author title year BCmiscellaneous commemorative publications
author title year BDbiographies (alphabetical)
author title year BEbibliographies and collected works (non-thematic) individual authors (alphabetical)
author title year BFmiscellaneous collected works
author title yearBFAMiscellanea liturgica
author title yearBFBVaria liturgica
author title yearBFCboxes
author title year BKlibrarianship
author title yearBKAgeneral
author title yearBKBhistorical
author title yearBKCorganisational
author title yearBKDElectronic Data Processing/Personal Computer
author title year BLgeneral bibliographies
author title yearBLAgeneral bibliographies, periodically published bibliographies
author title yearBLBspecialty and subject area bibliographies (insofar as these are not assigned to a functional group)
author title yearBLCregister of journal and series (insofar as these are not available or not catalogued as volumes)
author title yearBLDdirectory and catalogue of libraries
author title yearBLEbook shops, second-hand book shops, publishers: addresses
author title yearBLFcatalogue of individual publishers and second-hand bookshops (alphabetical, consecutive numbering)
author title year BMbook, font, print
author title yearBMAgeneral, comprehensive
author title yearBMBbook, history of books, codicology
author title yearBMCpaleography, script, calligraphy
author title yearBMDprinting, graphics
author title yearBMEarchiving, conservation, restoration
author title yearBMFbook trade
author title yearBMGmiscellaneous
author title year BNcongresses and meetings (not liturgical!); international congresses: pastoral liturgics -- DEG; Mission - QMB; Eucharist - ESF; Ecumenism - PDG
author title yearBNAgeneral
author title yearBNBBelgium, the Nethelands, Luxembourg
author title yearBNCGerman speaking countries (including Switzerland)
author title yearBNDFrance
author title yearBNEGreat Britain and Ireland
author title yearBNFIndia
author title yearBNGItaly
author title yearBNHCanada
author title yearBNISpain
author title yearBNJUSA
CLiturgy in general: Handbooks, dictionaries, introductions, comprehensive works, basics
author title year CAliturgical handbooks, lexicons, overall expositions
author title yearCAAhandbooks until Vatican II
author title yearCABhandbooks since Vatican II
author title yearCACliturgical lexica, dictionaries, etc., prior to Vatican II
author title yearCADliturgical lexica, dictionaries, etc., following Vatican II
author title yearCAEintroductions to the liturgy and other overall expositions prior to Vatican II
author title yearCAFintroductions to the liturgy and other overall expositions since Vatican II
author title yearCAGpopular liturgical exegesis prior to Vatican II
author title yearCAHpopular liturgical exegesis since Vatican II
author title yearCAImiscellaneous comprehensive literature prior to Vatican II
author title yearCAKmiscellaneous comprehensive literature after Vatican II
author title yearCALliturgical bibliographies
author title year CBliturgical manuscripts and general books
author title yearCBAcomprehensive expositions
author title yearCBB(liturgical) manuscripts and incunabula: depictions
author title yearCBC(liturgical) manuscripts and incunabula: indexes and catalogues
author title yearCBDliturgical books: expositions
author title yearCBEliturgical books: indexes and catalogues
author title year CCdocuments and statements about the liturgy
author title yearCCApre-conciliar collections
author title yearCCBcomprehensive and post-conciliar collections
author title yearCCCPapal statements: collections
author title yearCCDindividual papal statements (with date and consecutive numbering)
author title yearCCEstatements of the Congregation of the Rites / the Liturgy and their successors as well as of the Consilium (with date and consecutive numbering): collections
author title yearCCFindividual statements of the Congregation of the Rites / the Liturgy and their successors as well as of the Consilium (with date and consecutive numbering)
author title yearCCGConstitution on the Liturgy
author title year001-099    editions
author title year100-999    commentaries, with text where applicable
author title yearCCHstatements of the German Bishops' Conference concerning the liturgy (with date and consecutive numbering): collections
author title yearCCIindividual statements of the German Bishops' Conference concerning the liturgy (with date and consecutive numbering)
author title yearCCKstatements of other Bishops' Conferences concerning the liturgy (according to area, year, with consecutive numbering)
author title yearCCLindividual statements of other Bishops' Conferences concerning the liturgy (according to area, year, with consecutive numbering)
author title yearCCMstatements of individual bishops and dioceses (with diocese and year)
author title year CEtheology of the liturgy
author title yearCEAgeneral and comprehensive
author title yearCEBChristological issues
author title yearCECPneumatological issues
author title yearCEDliturgy and faith
author title yearCEEtheology of the mysteries
author title yearCEFecumenical issues
author title yearCEGmiscellaneous
author title year CFliturgy and spirituality
author title yearCFAgeneral and comprehensive
author title yearCFBliturgy and life
author title yearCFCliturgy and monastic spirituality
author title yearCFDliturgy and private prayer
author title yearCFEmiscellaneous individual themes
author title year CGanthropological and sociological issues concerning the liturgy
author title yearCGAanthropology of the liturgy, cultic capability
author title yearCGBliturgy in (secular) society
author title yearCGCcult and ritual Christian liturgical (see also RA)
author title year CHiturgy and the Bible
author title yearCHAgeneral and comprehensive
author title yearCHBproclamation in the liturgy: special examinations (homily: see P; homily at mass: see E)
author title yearCHCmiscellaneous
author title year CIliturgy in pastoral care
author title yearCIAgeneral and comprehensive
author title yearCIBhandbooks for pastors
author title yearCICtreatises on the subject
author title yearCIDmiscellaneous individual themes
author title year CKliturgical education/catechesis/mystagogy
author title yearCKApre-conciliar fundamentals
author title yearCKBpost-conciliar fundamentals
author title yearCKCpre-conciliar teaching materials, etc.
author title yearCKDpost-conciliar teaching materials, etc.
author title yearCKEmystagogy
author title yearCKFArs celebrandi
author title year CLliturgical assembly - liturgical services
author title yearCLAfundamentals, comprehensive material, collected works
author title yearCLBoffice of leadership
author title yearCLCoffice of the lector
author title yearCLDother proclamatory and spoken offices
author title yearCLECommunion ministers
author title yearCLFpre-conciliar altar servers: treatises and materials
author title yearCLGpost-conciliar altar servers
author title year001-099   treatises
author title year100-999   materials
author title yearCLHoffice of the cantor
author title yearCLIchoir and schola
author title yearCLKorganist
author title yearCLLliturgy committee
author title yearCLMchildren and young people in the liturgy
author title yearCLNwomen in the liturgy
author title yearCLOother groups in the liturgical assembly
author title yearCLPsexton, sacristan
author title yearCLZmiscellaneous
author title year CMliturgical signs and symbols, play, theatre
author title yearCMAlexica, general, comprehensive
author title yearCMBfundamental works
author title yearCMCliturgical theatre, drama, play in history
author title yearCMDsigns and symboles in the liturgy: general
author title yearCMEmovement and gesture in the liturgy: general
author title yearCMFliturgical dance, liturgical play
author title yearCMGindividual movements and gestures
author title year001-099   hand, laying on of hands
author title year100-199   foot washing
author title year200-299   sign of the cross
author title year500-599   kiss
author title yearCMHnatural elements in the liturgy
author title year001-099   bread
author title year100-199   wine
author title year200-299   water
author title year300-399   oil, chrism
author title year400-499   fire, light
author title year500-599   incense, scents
author title year600-699   salt, ashes
author title year700-999   miscellaneous natural elements, signs and symbols (comprehensive)
author title year CNlanguage and liturgy, stillness and silence
author title yearCNAfundamental issues regarding language
author title yearCNBreligious/theological language in general
author title yearCNCliturgical language, language in worship
author title yearCNDproblem of Latin -- mother-tongue of the liturgy
author title yearCNEtranslation of (liturgical) texts
author title yearCNFexamination of the individual mother-tongues of the liturgy
author title year001-199   German
author title year200-299   English
author title year300-399   French
author title year400-499   Italian
author title year900-999   miscellaneous
author title yearCNGexamination of the greek/latin languages
author title year001-299   comprehensive
author title year300-599   Greek
author title year600-989   Latin
author title yearCNHexamination of individual words/terms
author title yearCNIstillness and silence
author title year COliturgical law
author title yearCOApre-conciliar
author title yearCOBpost-conciliar
author title year CPinculturation of the liturgy
author title yearCPAinculturation in general, comprehensive
author title yearCPBliturgy and inculturation
author title yearCPClanguage in inculturation
author title year CRliturgy as a theological discipline, liturgy in theology
author title yearCRApre-conciliar
author title yearCRBpost-conciliar
author title yearCRCresearch facilities and institutes
author title yearCRDstudies in all eras
author title year CSliturgy and the media
DHistory of the liturgy in general
author title year DAgeneral
author title yearDAAoverall exposition
author title yearDABmiscellaneous comprehensive literature
author title yearDACspecial studies in all eras
author title year DBworship in the New Testament and in the Early Church in general
author title yearDBAall eras
author title yearDBBin the NT
author title yearDBCin the Post-Apostolic and Early Church era (until ca. 313)
author title yearDBDEarly Church ca. 313-700
author title yearDBEDidache
author title yearDBFHippolytus of Rome (Apostolic Constitution et al.)
author title yearDBGother ecclesiastical orders of the Early Church
author title yearDBHPeregrinatio Egeriae
author title year DCliturgical history of the Middle Ages
author title yearDCAall eras
author title yearDCBEarly Middle Ages and Carolingian Period (ca. 700-900); including DCB 900-949 Agobard; DCB 950-999 Amalarius of Metz
author title yearDCCHigh and Late Middle Ages; including DCC 950-999 Durandus
author title year DDliturgical history of the Reformation Period, the Counterreformation and the early Modern Period
author title yearDDAall eras
author title yearDDBReformation Period
author title yearDDCCounterreformation
author title yearDDD17th/18th centuries
author title yearDDEEnlightenment (ca. 1780-1850)
author title year DEliturgical history since the middle of the 19th century
author title yearDEAall eras
author title yearDEB19th century
author title yearDEC20th century until Vatican II
author title yearDEDliturgical reform since Vatican II
author title yearDEEcontestation of the liturgical reform
author title yearDEFrecent developments in liturgical history
author title yearDEGliturgical congresses
author title yearDEHliturgy after Summorum Pontificum
author title year DFOrdines, Libri, Ordinarii, Consuetudines, Caeremonialien
author title yearDFAcomprehensive
author title yearDFBOrdines (Romani)
author title yearDFCLibri Ordinarii: studies and editions (with place or order)
author title yearDFDConsuetudines: studies and editions (with place or order/consecutive numbering
author title yearDFECaeremoniale Romanum: editions (by year)
author title yearDFFCaeremoniale Episcopporum: editions (by year)
author title yearDFGCaeremoniale of countries, dioceses, etc.
author title yearDFHCaeremoniale of orders
author title yearDFICaeremoniale: studies
author title year001-300   Roman editions
author title year400-599   Papal liturgies
author title year600-999   miscellaneous editions of Ceremonials
author title yearDFKceremonial handbooks, handbooks of rubrics, commentaries of rubrics
author title year DGliturgical history of individual countries
author title yearDGAGermany, individual german regions
author title yearDGBAustria
author title yearDGCSwitzerland
author title yearDGDBeglium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg
author title yearDGEFrance
author title yearDGFItaly
author title yearDGGSpain, Portugal
author title yearDGHBritish Isles including Ireland (not including the Anglican Church)
author title yearDGIPoland
author title yearDGKremaining Northern and Eastern European countries (not including othodox liturgies)
author title yearDGLNorth America
author title yearDGMSouth America
author title yearDGNAfrican countries
author title yearDGOAsian countries
author title yearDGPmission countries in general
author title year DHliturgical histories of individual dioceses and places
author title yearDHAGerman dioceses and place (alphabetical, with consecutive numbering
author title yearDHBmiscellaneous
author title year DIliturgical histories of Orders
author title yearDIAcomphrensive
author title yearDIBBenedictines
author title yearDICFranciscans
author title yearDIDDominicans
author title yearDIECistercians
author title yearDIFCarthusians
author title yearDIGmiscellaneous
EEucharistic liturgy
author title year EASacramentaries: editions, resources, studies
author title yearEAAcomphrensive
author title yearEABLeonine
author title yearEACOld Gelasian
author title yearEADFrankish Gelansian sacramentaries
author title yearEAEGregorian
author title yearEAFmixed sacramentaries and miscellaneous
author title year EBMissals
author title yearEBAprior to 1570 (complete and parital editions)
author title yearEBBMissale Romanum from 1570 to 1969: complete editions (with year, without consecutive numbering)
author title yearEBCMissale Romanum from 1570-1969: partial editions and editions of rubrics (with date, without consecutive numbering)
author title yearEBDregional and diocesan missals from 1570 to Vatican II: complete editions (with place/region and date, without consecutive numbering
author title yearEBEregional and diocesan missals from 1570 to Vatican II: partial editions and propers (with order and date, without consecutive numbering; small booklets formerly in boxes)
author title yearEBFmissals of Orders from 1570 to Vatican II: complete editions (with Order and date, without consecutive numbering)
author title yearEBGmissals of Orders from 1570 to Vatican II: partial editions and propers (with Order and date, without consecutive numbering; small booklets formerly in boxes)
author title yearEBHdiocesan directories (with diocese and date, without consecutive numbering)
author title yearEBImass book translations (not popular books)
author title year ECpreliminary editions and partial editions of mass books between the counil and the authentic editions according to MR 1970 (each with date)
author title yearECALatin
author title yearECBGerman
author title yearECCEnglish
author title yearECDFrench
author title yearECEItalian
author title yearECFSpanish
author title yearECGPortugese
author title yearECHDutch/Flemish
author title yearECYmiscellaneous languages
author title yearECZReligious Orders (with Order and date)
author title year EDmass book editions since 1970 (propers without number, but with language and place)
author title yearEDALatin: entire edition
author title yearEDBLatin: partial edition
author title year001-099   General Instruction on the Roman Missal (GIRM)
author title year100-199   components of mass books: Ordo Missae, etc.
author title year200-299   Canons
author title year300-799   miscellaneous
author title year800-899   Papal liturgies
author title year900-999   diocesan directories
author title yearEDCGerman: entire editions
author title yearEDDGerman (also polyglot): partial editions and propers (with diocese and year, without consecutive numbering)
author title year001-099   General Instruction on the Roman Missal (GIRM)
author title year100-199   components of mass books: Ordo Missae, etc.
author title year200-299   Canons
author title year300-799   miscellaneous
author title year800-899   Papal liturgies (location: storeroom)
author title year900-999   directories of dioceses and Orders
author title yearEDEEnglish: entire editions
author title yearEDFEnglish: partial editions and propers (with diocese and year, without consecutive numbering)
author title year001-099   General Instruction on the Roman Missal (GIRM)
author title year100-199   components of mass books: Ordo Missae, etc.
author title year200-299   Canons
author title year300-799   miscellaneous
author title year800-899   Papal liturgies
author title year900-999   diocesan directories
author title yearEDGFrench: entire editions
author title yearEDHFrench: partial editions and propers (with diocese and year, without consecutive numbering)
author title year001-099   General Instruction on the Roman Missal (GIRM)
author title year100-199   components of mass books: Ordo Missae, etc.
author title year200-299   Canons
author title year300-799   miscellaneous
author title year800-899   Papal liturgies
author title year900-999   diocesan directories
author title yearEDIItalian: entire editions
author title yearEDKItalian: partial editions and propers (with diocese and year, without consecutive numbering)
author title year001-099   General Instruction on the Roman Missal (GIRM)
author title year100-199   components of mass books: Ordo Missae, etc.
author title year200-299   Canons
author title year300-799   miscellaneous
author title year800-899   Papal liturgies
author title year900-999   diocesan directories
author title yearEDLSpanish/Catalan/Basque: entire editions
author title yearEDMSpanish/Catalan/Basque: partial editions and propers (with diocese and year, without consecutive numbering)
author title year001-099   General Instruction on the Roman Missal (GIRM)
author title year100-199   components of mass books: Ordo Missae, etc.
author title year200-299   Canons
author title year300-799   miscellaneous
author title year800-899   Papal liturgies
author title year900-999   diocesan directories
author title yearEDNPortugese: entire editions
author title yearEDOPortugese: partial editions and propers (with diocese and year, without consecutive numbering)
author title year001-099   General Instruction on the Roman Missal (GIRM)
author title year100-199   components of mass books: Ordo Missae, etc.
author title year200-299   Canons
author title year300-799   miscellaneous
author title year800-899   Papal liturgies
author title year900-999   diocesan directories
author title yearEDPDutch: entire editions
author title yearEDRDutch: partial editions and propers (with diocese and year, without consecutive numbering)
author title year001-099   General Instruction on the Roman Missal (GIRM)
author title year100-199   components of mass books: Ordo Missae, etc.
author title year200-299   Canons
author title year300-799   miscellaneous
author title year800-899   Papal liturgies
author title year900-999   diocesan directories
author title yearEDSNordic languages (Norway, Finland, Sweden, Island): entire editions
author title yearEDTNordic languages (Norway, Finland, Sweden, Island): partial editions and propers (with diocese and year, without consecutive numbering)
author title year001-099   General Instruction on the Roman Missal (GIRM)
author title year100-199   components of mass books: Ordo Missae, etc.
author title year200-299   Canons
author title year300-799   miscellaneous
author title year800-899   Papal liturgies
author title year900-999   diocesan directories
author title yearEDUSlavic languages: entire editions
author title yearEDVSlavic languages: partial editions and propers (with diocese and year, without consecutive numbering)
author title year001-099   General Instruction on the Roman Missal (GIRM)
author title year100-199   components of mass books: Ordo Missae, etc.
author title year200-299   Canons
author title year300-799   miscellaneous
author title year800-899   Papal liturgies
author title year900-999   diocesan directories
author title yearEDWmiscellaneous languages: complete editions
author title yearEDXmiscellaneous languages: partial editions and propers (with diocese and year, without consecutive numbering)
author title year001-099   General Instruction on the Roman Missal (GIRM)
author title year100-199   components of mass books: Ordo Missae, etc.
author title year200-299   Canons
author title year300-799   miscellaneous
author title year800-899   Papal liturgies
author title year900-999   diocesan directories
author title yearEDZOrders including Propers (with order and year)
author title year EElist of pericopes, lectionaries, evangelaries
author title yearEEAprior to 1570: editions
author title yearEEBsince 1570 to Vatican II: editions
author title year001-049   Latin
author title year050-099   German
author title year100-149   English
author title year150-199   French
author title year200-249   Italian
author title year250-299   Spanish, Catalan, Basque
author title year300-349   Portugese
author title year350-399   Dutch/Flemish
author title yearEECpreliminary editions from Vatican II until the Ordo Lectionum Missae (exclusively)
author title year001-019   Latin: official
author title year020-049   Latin: private
author title year050-099   German
author title year100-149   English
author title year150-199   French
author title year200-249   Italian
author title year250-299   Spanish, Catalan, Basque
author title year300-349   Portugese
author title year350-399   Dutch/Flemish
author title yearEEDauthentic editions: OLM 1969 and latin (partial) editions
author title yearEEEGerman: complete editions according to OLM
author title yearEEFGerman: partial and propers (with diocese and year, without consecutive numbering)
author title year001-599   offical with date (i.e. marian masses, masses with children)
author title year600-999   popular editions, private editions
author title yearEEGEnglish: entire editions according to OLM
author title yearEEHEnglish: partial editions and propers (with diocese and year, without consecutive numbering)
author title year001-599   offical with date (i.e. marian masses, masses with children)
author title year600-999   popular editions, private editions
author title yearEEIFrench: entire edition, according to OLM
author title yearEEKFrench: partial editions and propers (with diocese and year, without consecutive numbering)
author title year001-599   official with date (i.e. Marian masses, masses with children)
author title year600-999   popular editions, private editions
author title yearEELItalian: entire editions according to OLM
author title yearEEMItalian: partial editions and propers (with diocese and year, without consecutive numbering)
author title year001-599   official with date (i.e. marian masses, masses with children)
author title year600-999   popular editions, private editions
author title yearEENSpanish/Catalan/Basque: entire editions according to OLM
author title yearEEOSpanish/Catalan/Basque: partial editions and propers (with diocese and year, without consecutive numbering)
author title year001-599   official with date (i.e. marian masses, masses with children)
author title year600-999   popular editions, private editions
author title yearEEPPortugese: entire editions according to OLM
author title yearEERPortugese: partial editions and propers (with diocese and year, without consecutive numbering)
author title year001-599   official with date (i.e. marian masses, masses with children)
author title year600-999   popular editions, private editions
author title yearEESDutch: entire editions according to OLM
author title yearEETDutch: partial editions and propers (with diocese and year, without consecutive numbering)
author title year001-599   official with date (i.e. marian masses, masses with children)
author title year600-999   popular editions, private editions
author title yearEEUNordic languages: entire and partial editions
author title yearEEVSlavic languages: entire and partial editions
author title yearEEXPolyglot: entire and partial editions (i.e. mass book for tourists)
author title yearEEYmiscellaneous languages: complete and partial editions (i.e. mass book for tourists)
author title yearEEZOrders (name of order, year)
author title year EFpopular mass books
author title yearEFALatin: pre-conciliar (until 1969)
author title yearEFBLatin: post-conciliar (since 1970)
author title yearEFCGerman: preconciliar (until 1969)
author title year001-049   Schott
author title year050-079   Bomm
author title year080-094   Ways of life
author title year095-099   Pachtler
author title year100-109   Ilbenstadt/Affligem
author title year110-599   free
author title year600-699   popular mass books of diocese and Orders
author title year700-799   popular mass books: requiem masses
author title year800-899   popular mass books: Holy Week (excluding Schott and Bomm)
author title year900-999   mass boooks for children
author title yearEFDGerman: post-conciliar (since 1970)
author title yearEFEEnglish: pre-conciliar (until 1969)
author title yearEFFEnglish: post-conciliar (since 1970)
author title yearEFGFrench: pre-conciliar (until 1969)
author title yearEFHFrench: post-conciliar (since 1970)
author title yearEFIItalian: pre-conciliar (until 1969)
author title yearEFKItalian: post-conciliar (since 1970)
author title yearEFLSpanish/Catalan/Basque : pre-conciliar (until 1969)
author title yearEFMSpanish/Catalan/Basque: post-conciliar (since 1970)
author title yearEFOPortugese: pre-conciliar (until 1969)
author title yearEFPPortugese: post-conciliar (since 1970)
author title yearEFRDutch/Flemish: pre-conciliar (until 1969)
author title yearEFSDutch/Flemish: post-conciliar (since 1970)
author title yearEFTmiscellaneous languages: pre-conciliar (until 1969)
author title yearEFUmiscellaneous languages: post-conciliar (since 1970)
author title yearEFVOrders: pre-conciliar (until 1969)
author title yearEFWOrders: post-conciliar (since 1970)
author title year EGgeneral studies of the Eucharist
author title yearEGAhandbooks and introductions prior to Vatican II
author title yearEGBhandbooks and introductions since Vatican II
author title yearEGCmultidisciplinary studies prior to Vatican II
author title yearEGDmultidisciplinary studies since Vatican II
author title yearEGEpopular mass explanations prior to Vatican II
author title yearEGFpopular mass explanations since Vatican II
author title yearEGGrubrics of the Eucharist
author title year EHtheology and spirituality of the eucharist
author title yearEHAgeneral
author title yearEHBNew Testament and Early Church (until ca. 700)
author title yearEHCMiddle Ages (until ca. 1500)
author title yearEHDModern Period (until ca. 1900)
author title yearEHErecent theology
author title yearEHFecumenical issues concerning the eucharist
author title yearEHGstudies concerning eucharist and spirituality
author title yearEHHanthropological and cultural aspects
author title year EKhistory of the mass
author title yearEKAall eras
author title yearEKBNew Testament Period and Early Church
author title yearEKCMiddle Ages (until the Reformation)
author title yearEKDModern Period (since the Reformation) until Vatican II
author title yearEKEsince Vatican II
author title yearEKFcritique of the reform of the mass
author title year ELstudies concerning books of the mass
author title yearELAconcerning missals prior to 1570
author title yearELBconcerning the Missale Romanum until Vatican II
author title yearELCconcerning missals since Vatican II (including commentaries of the AEM)
author title yearELDconcerning lists of pericopes/lectionaries/evangelaries until Vatican II
author title yearELEconcerning lists of pericopes/lectionaries/evangelaries since Vatican II
author title yearELFconcerning popular mass books
author title year EMstudies concerning individual parts and elements of the mass
author title yearEMAcollective orations
author title yearEMBKyrie and Gloria
author title yearEMCCollect of the Day
author title yearEMDmiscellaneous elements of the Opening Rite
author title yearEMEReadings
author title yearEMFsung responses and Halleluia
author title yearEMGHomily in the mass
author title yearEMHCreed
author title yearEMIIntercessions
author title yearEMKLiturgy of the Word in general, miscellaneous elements and issues concerning the Liturgy of the Word
author title yearEMLPreparation of the Gifts, Song, Oration
author title yearEMMCanon
author title yearEMNOur Father in the mass
author title yearEMOCommunion, communion practice
author title yearEMPconcluding prayer
author title yearEMRCommunion Rite in general, miscellaneous elements and issues
author title yearEMSConcluding Rite
author title yearEMTmiscellaneous elements and individual and comprehensive issues
author title year ENforms of the celebration of the mass
author title yearENAgeneral
author title yearENBhigh mass, community mass, mass of an abbey or convent
author title yearENCtarget group masses (children, young people, seniors, etc.)
author title yearENDconcelebration
author title yearENEprivate mass
author title yearENFPontifical mass, papal mass
author title yearENGmiscellaneous (also First Mass)
author title year EOindividual mass forms
author title yearEOAvotive masses
author title yearEOBrequiem masses
author title yearEOCmarian masses, collections of marian masses
author title yearEODmiscellaneous
author title year EPEucharistic matter, place and time of the eucharist, stipends and benefits
author title yearEPAEucharistic matter
author title yearEPBPpace, time and frequency of the mass
author title yearEPCstipends and benefits
author title year ERpastoral, catechetical and canonical issues concerning the eucharist
author title yearERAEucharist and pastoral care
author title yearERBEucharistic catechesis
author title yearERCcanonical issues concerning the eucharist
author title yearERDFirst Communion
author title year1   studies
author title year2   pre-conciliar catechesis
author title year3   post-conciliar catechesis
author title year4   worship models
author title year ESEucharistic reservation and adoration
author title yearESAcomprehensive
author title yearESBEucharistic reservation
author title yearESCEucharistic adoration and devotions
author title yearESDCorpus Christi
author title yearESECommunion outside mass
author title yearESFEucharistic congresses
author title year ETcontemplation of the eucharist and eucharistic adoration (materials, resources); (materials for eucharistic adoration and devotions)
author title yearETAuntil 1899 (location: storeroom)
author title yearETB1900 - 1949 (location: storeroom)
author title yearETC1950 - 1965 (location: storeroom)
author title yearETD1966 pp.
FOther sacramental celebrations: Sources (Pontifical and Ritual) and treatises (sacraments, sacramentals with benedictions, exorcisms, etc.)
author title year FARitual, Processionals, Benedictionals: editions
author title yearFAARitual books prior to 1614
author title yearFABRoman Rituals from 1614 until Vatican II: complete and partial editions (with year)
author title yearFACtranslations of the Roman Ritual 1614ff.
author title yearFADdiocesan and regional ritual books from 1614 until Vatican II (with diocese/region and date of publication)
author title yearFAERituals of Orders (with the name of the order)
author title yearFAFmiscellaneous ritual books until Vatican II
author title yearFAGpopular editions, etc. until Vatican II
author title yearFAHRoman Rituals: latin editions and partial editions since Vatican II
author title yearFAIeditions of German Rituals and partial editions since Vatican II
author title yearFAKadapted editions of German Rituals and popular editions since Vatican II
author title yearFALeditions of Rituals in the English language since Vatican II
author title year001-499   official editions
author title year500-999   adapted editions, popular editions
author title yearFAMeditions of Rituals in the French language since Vatican II
author title year001-499   official editions
author title year500-999   adapted editions, popular editions
author title yearFANeditions of Rituals in the Italian language since Vatican II
author title year001-499   offical editions
author title year500-999   adapted editions, popular editions
author title yearFAOeditions of Rituals in the Spanish language since Vatican II
author title year001-399   official editions in the Spanish language
author title year400-599   official editions in the Catalan language
author title year600-999   popular editions in the Spanish and Catalan languages
author title yearFAPeditions of Rituals in the Portugese language since Vatican II
author title year001-499   official editions
author title year500-999   adapted editions, popular editions
author title yearFAReditions of Rituals in the Dutch language since Vatican II
author title year001-499   official editions
author title year500-999   adapted editions, popular editions
author title yearFASeditions of Rituals in the Polish language since Vatican II
author title year001-499   official editions
author title year500-999   adapted editions, popular editions
author title yearFATofficial editions and popular editions in various languages since Vatican II
author title year001-049   Slovanian
author title year050-099   Norwegian
author title year100-149   Danish
author title year150-199   Swedish
author title year200-249   Icelandic
author title year250-299   Czech
author title year300-349   Maltesian
author title year350-399   African languages
author title year400-449   Luxembourgish
author title year450-499   Russian
author title year500-549   Lithuanian
author title year550-599   Indonesian
author title year600-650   Turkish
author title yearFAVRituals of orders since Vatican II (with the name of the order and year)
author title year FBcollective studies of ritual books prior to Vatican II
author title yearFBAconcerning the Roman Ritual 1614ff
author title yearFBBconerning book of particular churches and other ritual books
author title year FCPontificals: editions
author title yearFCAPontifical prior to 1595/96
author title yearFCBRoman Pontificals from 1595/96 until Vatican II: complete and partial editions (with year)
author title yearFCCtranslations of the Romal Pontifical 1595ff
author title yearFCDdiocesan, regional and miscellaneous Pontificals from 1595/96 to Vatican II (with year of publication)
author title yearFCEpopular editions until Vatican II
author title yearFCFeditions of Latin Pontificas and partial editions since Vatican II
author title yearFCGeditions of German Pontificals and paritial editions since Vatican II
author title yearFCHeditions of adapted German Pontificals and popular editions since Vatican II
author title yearFCIeditions of Pontificals in the English language since Vatican II
author title year001-499   official editions
author title year500-999   adapted editions, popular editions
author title yearFCKeditions of Pontificals in the French language since Vatican II
author title year001-499   offical editions
author title year500-999   adapted editions, popular editions
author title yearFCLeditions of Pontificals in the Italian language since Vatican II
author title year001-499   official editions
author title year500-999   adapted editions, popular editions
author title yearFCMeditions of Pontificals in the Spanish language since Vatican II
author title year001-499   official editions
author title year500-999   adapted editions, popular editions
author title yearFCNeditions of Pontificals in the Portugese language since Vatican II
author title year001-499   official editions
author title year500-999   adapted editions, popular editions
author title yearFCOeditions of Pontificals in the Dutch language since Vatican II
author title year001-499   official editions
author title year500-999   adapted editions, popular editions
author title yearFCPeditions of Pontificals in the Polish language since Vatican II
author title year001-499   official editions
author title year500-999   adapted editions, popular editions
author title yearFCReditions of Pontificals and popular editions in various languages since Vatican II
author title year001-049   Slovanian
author title yearFCSliturgical books and editions for papal liturgies (mass books for papal visits jedoch zu E)
author title year FDstudies of Pontificals in general prior to Vatican II
author title yearFDAconcerning the Roman Pontifical 1595/96ff
author title yearFDBconcerning other Pontificals
author title year FEsacraments and other sacramental celebrations prior to Vatican II
author title yearFEAcomprehensive
author title yearFEBtheology, dogmatic issues
author title yearFECliturgical treatises
author title yearFEDcanonical treatises
author title yearFEEpastoral care and the sacraments
author title yearFEFliturgies and pastoral care of sacraments: resources, material, etc.
author title year FFSacraments of Initiation in general
author title yearFFAcomprehensive
author title yearFFBhistory: all eras
author title yearFFChistory: New Testament and Early Church (until ca. 700)
author title yearFFDhistory: Middle Ages
author title yearFFEhistory: From the Council of Trent to Vatican II
author title yearFFFhistory: since Vatican II
author title yearFFGtheology, dogmatic issues
author title yearFFHcanonical treatises
author title yearFFIpastoral care and initiation
author title yearFFKInitiation of Adults in the Church since Vatican II (also of children of school age)
author title yearFFLresources, materials, etc., liturgical and pastoral
author title year FGBaptism
author title yearFGAvarious themes
author title yearFGBhistory: all eras
author title yearFGChistory: New Testament and Early Church
author title yearFGDhistory: Middle Ages
author title yearFGEhistory: from the Roman Ritual 1614 to Vatican II
author title yearFGFhistory: since Vatican II
author title yearFGGtheology, dogmatic issues
author title yearFGHissues regarding child Baptism
author title yearFGIcanonical treatises
author title yearFGKBaptism and pastoral care
author title yearFGLresources, materials, etc.
author title year FHConfirmation
author title yearFHAcomprehensive
author title yearFHBhistory
author title yearFHCtheology, dogmatic issues
author title yearFHDcanonical treatises
author title yearFHEConfirmation and pastoral care
author title yearFHFliturgical and pastoral resources, materials, etc.
author title year FIPenance and Reconcilliation
author title yearFIAcomprehensive
author title yearFIBhistory: all eras
author title yearFIChistory: New Testament and Early Church (until ca. 700)
author title yearFIDhistory: Middle Ages
author title yearFIEhistory: since the Council of Trent to Vatican II
author title yearFIFhistory: since Vatican II
author title yearFIGtheology, dogmatic studies
author title yearFIHcanonical issues
author title yearFIIPenance and pastoral care
author title yearFIKindulgences
author title yearFILresources
author title year FKLiturgy for the Sick
author title yearFKAgeneral concerning sickness, healing, etc.
author title yearFKBhistory, theology, liturgy and pastoral care of sickness
author title yearFKCresources, materials
author title year FLOffice and Ordination
author title yearFLAcomprehensive
author title yearFLBLiturgy of Ordination
author title yearFLChistory and theology of ecclesial office
author title yearFLDparticular studies of the episcopal office
author title yearFLEparticular studies of the priestly office
author title yearFLFparticular studies of the diaconal office
author title yearFLGparticular studies of other clergy
author title yearFLHwoman in the Church / and office
author title yearFLIecumenical issues
author title yearFLKcanonical issues
author title yearFLLinduction into a parish, assignment to ecclesial service, etc.
author title yearFLMresources, materials, etc.
author title year FMmarriage, engagement, wedding anniversaries
author title yearFMAcomprehensive
author title yearFMBhistory: all eras
author title yearFMChistory: Early Church
author title yearFMDhistory: Middle Ages
author title yearFMEhistory: from the Roman Ritual of 1614 to Vatican II
author title yearFMFhistory: since Vatican II
author title yearFMGtheology, dogmatic issues
author title yearFMHecumenical issues
author title yearFMIcanonical issues
author title yearFMKinculturation
author title yearFMLpastoral care for marriage
author title yearFMMresources, materials, etc.
author title year FNMonastic and related rites
author title yearFNAReligious vows
author title yearFNBvirgins and widows: situation and consecration
author title yearFNCConsecration of an abbot or abbess
author title yearFNDmiscellaneous
author title year FOCoronation ceremonies of rulers
author title year FPBlessings and Consecrations
author title yearFPAhistory, theology, liturgy and pastoral care in general
author title yearFPBindividual blessings and consecrations
author title yearFPCExorcisms
author title yearFPDresources, materials, etc., concerning blessings and consecrations
author title year FRliturgies for the dying and funeral liturgies; memorials for the dead
author title yearFRAcomprehensive
author title yearFRBanthropological issues concerning dying, death and burial
author title yearFRChistory: all eras
author title yearFRDhistory: Early Church
author title yearFREhistory: Middle Ages
author title yearFRFhistory: from the Roman Ritual of 1614 to Vatican II
author title yearFRGhistory: since Vatican II
author title yearFRHtheological and canonical questions
author title yearFRIinculturation
author title yearFRKpastoral care
author title yearFRLresources, materials, etc.
GLiturgies of the Hours (including psalms in the liturgy) & the Celebrations of the Word
author title year GAeditions of the Liturgy of the Hours prior to 1568
author title yearGAAcomplete editions prior to 1568
author title yearGABpartial editions prior to 1568 (including Psalters, insofar as this is not in I)
author title year GBLatin Breviaries from 1568 to Vatican II
author title yearGBARoman Breviaries
author title yearGBBlocal editions, diocesan breviaries, propers from regions and dioceses
author title yearGBCBreviaries and propers of orders
author title yearGBDPsalters of the Roman Breviary and the orders
author title year GCtranslations of Brevaries in the vernacular until Vatican II
author title yearGCAGerman editions of the Breviary
author title yearGCBeditions of the Breviary in other languages
author title yearGCCPropers from regions, dioceses and orders
author title yearGCDvernacular Psalters of the Breviary
author title year GDadapted Breviaries prior to Vatican II and "Popular Breviaries"""
author title yearGDAin the German language
author title yearGDBin other languages
author title year GEvotive offices prior to Vatican II
author title yearGEAmarian offices; officium parvum for individual congregations
author title yearGEBmiscellaneous editions
author title year GFLiturgy of the Hours after Vatican II: preliminary editions and resources
author title year GGLiturgy of the Hours after Vatican II: authentic editions
author title yearGGALiturgia Horarum and editions of the Bishops' Conferences
author title yearGGBeditions of orders
author title yearGGCPropers from regions, dioceses and orders
author title yearGGDeditions of psalms
author title year GHLiturgy of the Hours after Vatican II: adapted editions, partial editions, "popular editions"""
author title year GIoverall view of history, theology and spirituality of the Liturgy of the Hours and the Roman Breviary
author title year GJintroduction, rubrics and other resources for the pre-conciliar Roman Breviary
author title year GKcommentaries, introductions and resources for Liturgy of the Hours after Vatican II
author title year GLsources and special studies of the Liturgy of the Hours, concerning individual Breviaries and Offices
author title yearGLAall eras
author title yearGLBuntil 1568
author title yearGLCsince 1568 until Vatican II
author title yearGLDduring and following Vatican II
author title year GMindividual Hours (all eras)
author title year GNelements and books of the Liturgy of the Hours (except psalms / Psalters and not musical aspects)
author title year GOpsalms in liturgical use and the general praying of the psalms
author title yearGOAconcerning christian reception and liturgical use of the psalms in general
author title yearGOBstudies and resources concerning the use of the psalms in the Liturgy of the Hours
author title year GPresources for the celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours after Vatican II
author title year GSCelebrations of the Word
author title yearGSAofficial liturgical books
author title yearGSBguidelines
author title year1   for the universal Church
author title year2   for the national Church
author title year3   diocesan, regional and other Pontificals from 1595/96 until Vatican II (with date of publication)
author title yearGSCcomprehensive
author title yearGSDhistory
author title yearGSEtheology
author title yearGSFliturgical treatises
author title yearGSGcanonical questions
author title yearGSHpastoral aspects
author title yearGSIresources, materials, models, etc.
author title year1   stational liturgies
author title year2   offical ecclesial editions
author title year3   miscellaneous
HChurch year, calender, veneration of saints
author title year HAanthropological, historical-cultural, philosophical and theological fundamental quessions concerning time, feasts and celebrations
author title year HBoverall view of the Church year
author title yearHBAhandbooks, comprehensive
author title yearHBBhistory
author title yearHBCtheology
author title yearHBDpastoral care
author title yearHBEliturgical explanations and considerations of the Church year overall
author title yearHBFtradition (also Thanksgiving)
author title year HCSunday
author title yearHCAcomprehensive
author title yearHCBhistory
author title yearHCCtheology
author title yearHCDpastoral care
author title year HDWeeks and Ember Days
author title yearHDAhistory, theology, liturgy
author title year HEcelebration of Easter (in general)
author title yearHEAoverall view, comprehensive
author title yearHEBhistory
author title yearHECtheology
author title yearHEDliturgical explanations, considerations
author title yearHEEtradition
author title yearHEGresources for the celebration in the community
author title year HFindividual days and celebrations of Easter celebration
author title yearHFAMaundy Thursday
author title yearHFBGood Friday
author title yearHFCHoly Saturday (excluding the Easter Vigil)
author title yearHFDEaster Vigil and Easter Sunday
author title year HGEastertide
author title yearHGAcomprehensive
author title yearHGBOctave of Easter
author title yearHGCAscension of Christ
author title yearHGDPentecost
author title year HHQuadragesima
author title yearHHAoverall view, comprehensive
author title yearHHBhistory
author title yearHHCtheology
author title yearHHDpastoral care
author title yearHHEtradition
author title year HIAdvent and Christmas
author title yearHIAhistory, theology, liturgy
author title yearHIBtradition
author title year HJChristmas and Epiphany
author title yearHJAhistory, theology, liturgy
author title yearHJBtradition
author title year HKmiscellaneous christological feasts (excepting Corpus Christi)
author title year HLcalander
author title yearHLAgeneral questions concerning the calander
author title yearHLBThe Christian calander until Vatican II, including the date of Easter
author title yearHLCThe Christian calander since 1969/70
author title year HMSaints, the blessed, their feasts and veneration: handbooks, overall views, comprehensive
author title year HNfeasts and veneration of saints: comprehensive according to region
author title yearHNAGermany
author title yearHNBAustria, Switzerland, Northern Italy
author title yearHNCBenelux, France
author title yearHNDMediterranean countries
author title yearHNENorthern Europe, British Isles
author title yearHNFEastern Europe
author title yearHNGextra-European
author title year HOfeasts and veneration of saints: comprehensive according to era
author title yearHOAActs of Martyrs, veneration of martyrs and saints in the Early Church
author title yearHOBMiddle Ages (ca. 8th - 14th centuries)
author title yearHOCModern and Contemporary Times
author title year HPveneration of relics
author title year HQMartyrologies and Legendaries
author title yearHQARoman Martyrologium (with year)
author title yearHQBmiscellaneous editions and secondary literature
author title yearHQCLegendaria
author title year HRpatron saints of churches and their festivals
author title year HScanonization of saints and the blessed
author title yearHSAprocedure
author title yearHSBstudies and projects
author title year HTindex of names, nomenclature, saint's day
author title year HUindividual blessed and saints, their feasts and veneration (alphabetical)
author title year HVmaterials, worship resources, etc.
author title yearHVAconcerning the Church year overall and miscellaneous
author title yearHVBconcerning Ember Days
author title yearHVCconcerning Easter celebrations (Paschal Triduum and Eastertide)
author title yearHVDconcerning Quadrigesima (Lent)
author title yearHVEconcerning Advent and Christmas overall
author title yearHVFconcerning Christmas and Epiphany
author title yearHVGconcerning the feasts and veneration of saints (except Marian devotions)
I(History of) art, church architecture and furnishing, liturgical equipment and vesture
author title year IAhandbooks, lexicons, miscellaneous resources
author title year IBart history (comprehensive representations)
author title yearIBAfundamental issues concerning as well as the relationship between Church / liturgy / art
author title yearIBBart history all eras
author title yearIBCEarly Church (until ca. 700)
author title yearIBDMiddle Ages overall
author title yearIBEEarly Middle Ages (carolingian / ottonian; ca. 8th - 11th centuries)
author title yearIBFRomanesque (11th/12th centuries)
author title yearIBGGothic (12th - 14th centuries)
author title yearIBHRenaissance (15th/16th centuries)
author title yearIBIBaroque and Rococo (17th/18th centuries)
author title yearIBK19th century
author title yearIBL20th century
author title yearIBMart of the Christian East
author title year ICchurch building: interior design
author title yearICAall eras
author title yearICBEarly Church (until ca. 700)
author title yearICCMiddle Ages overall
author title yearICDEarly Middle Ages (carolingian / ottonian; ca. 8th - 11th centuries)
author title yearICERomanesque (11th/12th centuries)
author title yearICFGothic (12th - 14th centuries)
author title yearICGRenaissance (15th/16th centuries)
author title yearICHBaroque and Rococo (17th/18th centuries)
author title yearICI19th century
author title yearICJ20th century prior to Vatican II and comprehensive
author title yearICKespecially since Vatican II
author title yearICLAnglican Church
author title yearICMother Churches of the Reformation
author title yearICNEastern Churches
author title year IDchurch buildings: architechture
author title yearIDAarchitecture in general
author title yearIDBindividual architects and church builders (alphabetical)
author title yearIDCchurch building in general
author title yearIDDEarly Church (until ca. 700)
author title yearIDEMiddle Ages overall
author title yearIDFEarly Middle Ages (carolingian / ottonian; ca. 8th - 11th centuries)
author title yearIDGRomanesque (11th/12th centuries)
author title yearIDHGothic (12th - 14th centuries)
author title yearIDIRenaissance (15th/16th centuries)
author title yearIDJBaroque and Rococo (17th/18th centuries)
author title yearIDK19th century
author title yearIDL20th century prior to Vatican II and comprehensive
author title yearIDMspecial since Vatican II
author title yearIDNchurch building and architecture of Orders
author title yearIDOindividual churches and abbeys (alphabetical according to place)
author title yearIDPindividual churches and abbeys: small guide books (alphabetical according to Order)
author title yearIDQAnglican Church
author title yearIDRother Churches of the Reformation
author title yearIDSEastern Churches
author title yearIDTConversion of church buildings
author title year IEplaces with liturgical functions
author title yearIEAinterior of churches in general (excluding archtitecture)
author title yearIEBchancel in general
author title yearIECplace of the celebrant
author title yearIEDAltar
author title yearIEEAmbo and Pulpit
author title yearIEFplace of Baptism
author title yearIEGTabernacle
author title yearIEHConfessional
author title yearIEIfurnishing (choir stalls, seats for the community)
author title yearIEJmiscellaneous
author title yearIEKAnglican Church
author title yearIELother Churches of the Reformation
author title yearIEMEastern Churches
author title year IFliturgical equipment
author title yearIFAliturgical equipment overall
author title yearIFBindividual liturgical implements
author title yearIFCAnglican Church
author title yearIFDother Churches of the Reformation
author title yearIFEEastern Churches
author title year IGliturgical clothing, paramentics, insignia, heraldry
author title yearIGAclothing and insignia in general and non-Christian
author title yearIGBliturgical clothing, paramentik, clothing for Christian situations and offices
author title yearIGCinsignia of popes, bishops, prelates, etc.
author title yearIGDliturgical colours
author title yearIGEliturgical clothing in the Anglican Church
author title yearIGFliturgical clothing other Churches of the Reformation
author title yearIGGparaments and liturgical clothing in the Eastern Churches
author title yearIGHheraldry
author title year IHdesign of cemetaries and graves
author title year IIpainting
author title yearIIAgeneral
author title yearIIBEarly Church (until ca. 700)
author title yearIICMiddle Ages overall
author title yearIIDEarly Middle Ages (carolingian / ottonian; ca. 8th - 11th centuries)
author title yearIIERomanesque (11th/12th centuries)
author title yearIIFGothic (12th - 14th centuries)
author title yearIIGRenaissance (15th/16th centuries)
author title yearIIHBaroque and Rococo (17th/18th centuries)
author title yearIIIgenres of the 18th - 20th centuries
author title yearIIJindividual painters (alphabetical)
author title yearIIKpainting in the christian East (excepting icons)
author title yearIILicons
author title year IJsculpture
author title yearIJAgeneral
author title yearIJBEarly Church (until ca. 700)
author title yearIJCMiddle Ages overall
author title yearIJDEarly Middle Ages (carolingian / ottonian; ca. 8th - 11th centuries)
author title yearIJERomanesque (11th/12th centuries)
author title yearIJFGothic (12th - 14th centuries)
author title yearIJGRenaissance (15th/16th centuries)
author title yearIJHBaroque (17th century)
author title yearIJIgenres of the 18th - 20th centuries
author title yearIJJindividual sculptors (alphabetical)
author title year IKhandcrafts (other than liturgical implements and clothing)
author title yearIKAgeneral
author title yearIKBgold and silver work
author title yearIKCChurch windows and other glass artworks
author title yearIKDindividual artisans
author title year ILartistic expressions of popular piety
author title yearILAgeneral
author title yearILBdevotional pictures
author title yearILCvotive offerings
author title yearILDgraves of saints, Paschal and Easter traditions
author title yearILEcrèches and other Christmas traditions
author title yearILFpilgrimages and processions in art
author title yearILGmiscellaneous
author title year IMGod, Christ and the saints in art (excepting icons)
author title yearIMAoverall
author title yearIMBdepictions of God
author title yearIMCdepictions of Christ (excepting the cross)
author title year001-399   overall
author title year400-699   painting
author title year700-999   sculpture
author title yearIMDdepictions of the cross
author title year001-399   overall
author title year400-699   painting
author title year700-999   sculpture
author title yearIMEdepictions of Mary
author title year001-399   overall
author title year400-699   painting
author title year700-999   sculpture
author title yearIMFdepictions of other saints
author title year001-299   comprehensive
author title year300-999   individual saints (alphabetical)
author title year INsymbols and individual motifs in art
author title yearINAfundamental and general issues
author title yearINBindividual symbols and motifs
author title year IOartistic design of books
author title yearIOApainting in books, illumination of books overall
author title year001-199   comprehensive
author title year200-399   according to era
author title year400-599   according to country and region
author title year600-799   according to motif
author title year800-999   individual manuscripts and miscellaneous
author title yearIOBartistic design of Bibles
author title year001-299   complete editions and comprehensive expositions
author title year300-599   Old Testament motifs
author title year600-999   New Testament motifs
author title yearIOCPsalteries
author title yearIODEvangelaries / Lectionaries / books of pericopes
author title yearIOESacramentaries and Missals
author title yearIOFAntiphonaries, Graduals
author title yearIOGmiscellaneous liturgical books and writings
author title yearIOHBooks of Hours, Livres d'Heures, devotional books
author title yearIOIbindings
author title yearIOJartistic design of books int the Eastern Churches
author title year IPart, ceremonial buildings and handcrafts of other religions
author title yearIPAGreeks and Romans
author title yearIPBJudaism
author title yearIPCIslam
author title yearIPDmiscellaneous
author title year IQmuseums, Cathedral treasures, exhibits (insofar as these can be thematically arranged)
author title yearIQAmuseums (alphabetically according to place)
author title yearIQBcathedral treasures (alphabetically according to place)
author title yearIQCexhibits (alphabetically according to place)
author title yearIQDmiscellaneous
author title year IRarchaeology
author title year ISpedagogy of ecclesiastical art
KPrayer, (history of) piety, pilgrimages and processions, miscellaneous forms of spirituality; collections of prayer books
author title year KAChristian spirituality
author title yearKAAcomprehensive
author title yearKABEarly Church (until ca. 700)
author title yearKACMiddle Ages (until ca. 14th century)
author title yearKADModern Times (until ca. 18th century)
author title yearKAEContemporary Times (since 19th century)
author title yearKAFMonastic spirituality
author title yearKAGspirituality of women
author title yearKAHspirituality of children
author title year KBChristian popular piety (chronological)
author title yearKBAcomprehensive
author title yearKBBEarly Church (until ca. 700)
author title yearKBCMiddle Ages (until ca. 14th century)
author title yearKBDModern times (until ca. 18th century)
author title yearKBEContemporary Times (since 19th century)
author title yearKBFpopular faith (also non-christian)
author title year KCChristian popular piety (according to regions)
author title yearKCAindividual German regions
author title yearKCBRegion of the Alps (Switzerland / Austria / South Tyrol)
author title yearKCCBelgium / the Netherlands / Luxembourg
author title yearKCDFrance
author title yearKCEItaly
author title yearKCFSpain/Portugal
author title yearKCGGreat Britain/Ireland
author title yearKCHEastern European nations (excluding orthodox liturgy)
author title yearKCImiscellaneous
author title year KDprayer: treatises
author title yearKDAprayer in general, theology of prayer
author title yearKDBNew Testament and Early Church (until ca. 700)
author title yearKDCMiddle Ages (until ca. 14th century)
author title yearKDDModern Times (until ca. 18th century)
author title yearKDEContemporary Times (since 19th century)
author title year KEindividual forms of piety and prayer: treatises
author title yearKEAThe Lord's Prayer
author title yearKEBpiety towards Christ overall and the veneration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
author title yearKECWay of the Cross and veneration of the Cross
author title yearKEDMay Day and other Marian devotions
author title yearKEERosary
author title yearKEFlitanies
author title yearKEGpilgrimages and processions overall
author title yearKEHpilgrimages and processions of individual dioceses, regions and places (alphabetical)
author title year KFChristian way of life
author title year KGspiritual poetry, etc.
author title year KHbooks of meditation and contemplation
author title yearKHAup to and including 17th century
author title yearKHBup to and including 18th century
author title yearKHCup to and including 19th century
author title yearKHEup to and including 1950
author title yearKHG1951 to 2000
author title yearKHIsince 2001
author title year KIprayer books in general: studies and editions
author title yearKIAstudies of prayer books
author title yearKIBeditions until the year 1699
author title yearKICeditions 1700-1799
author title yearKIDeditions 1800-1899
author title yearKIEeditions 1900-1950
author title yearKIFeditions 1951-2000
author title yearKIGeditions since 2001
author title year KJprayer books: according to addressor, occasion and themes
author title yearKJAprayer books for children
author title yearKJBprayer books for young people
author title yearKJCtable graces
author title yearKJDmilitary prayer books, etc.
author title yearKJEprayer books for altar servers
author title yearKJFprayer books of psalms (non-liturgical)
author title yearKJGprayer books for women
author title yearKJHecumenical prayer books
author title yearKJIprayer books for the handicapped
author title yearKJJprayer books for older people (seniors)
author title yearKJKprayer books for families
author title yearKJMprayer books for men
author title yearKJNHoly Spirit
author title yearKJOmarian prayer books
author title year KKmaterials, resources for worship, etc.
author title yearKKAVeneration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
author title yearKKBWay of the Cross, veneration of the Cross
author title yearKKCMay Day, other Marian devotions (excepting the Rosary)
author title yearKKDRosary
author title yearKKEother devotional forms
author title yearKKFpilgrimages, processions
LNon-Roman Catholic western Churches and their liturgies (Old Spanish, Ambrosian, Gallian, Glagolitic)
author title year LAOld Spanish (Mozarabic) liturgy
author title yearLAAcomprehensive
author title yearLABEucharistic liturgy: editions
author title yearLACEucharistic liturgy: studies
author title yearLADother sacramental celebrations: editions
author title yearLAEother sacramental celebrations: studies
author title yearLAFLiturgy of the Hours: editions
author title yearLAGLiturgy of the Hours: studies
author title yearLAHChurch year, calander, saints: editions
author title yearLAIChurch year, calander, saints: studies
author title yearLAKsong and music
author title yearLALmiscellaneous
author title year LBOld Gallasian liturgy
author title yearLBAcomprehensive
author title yearLBBEucharistic liturgy: editions and studies
author title yearLBCother sacramental celebrations: editions and studies
author title yearLBDLiturgy of the Hours: editions and studies
author title yearLBEChurch year, calander, saints
author title yearLBFsong and music
author title yearLBGmiscellaneous
author title year LCAmbrosian (Milanese) liturgy
author title yearLCAcomprehensive
author title yearLCBEucharistic liturgy: editions
author title yearLCCEucharistic liturgy: studies
author title yearLCDother sacramental celebrations: editions
author title yearLCEother sacramental celebrations: studies
author title yearLCFLiturgy of the Hours: editions
author title yearLCGLiturgy of the Hours: studies
author title yearLCHChurch year, calander, saints: editions
author title yearLCIChurch year, calander, saints: studies
author title yearLCKsong and music
author title year001-499   editions
author title year500-999   studies
author title yearLCLmiscellaneous
author title year LDGlagolitic liturgy
author title yearLDAcomprehensive
author title yearLDBEucharisitc liturgy: editions and studies
author title yearLDCother sacramental celebrations: editions and studies
author title yearLDDLiturgy of the Hours: editions and studies
author title yearLDEChurch year, calander, saints
author title yearLDFsong and music
author title yearLDGmiscellaneous
MChurches of the Reformation and their liturgies (including the Lima Liturgy)
author title year MAliturgical books, agendas (also partial editions); Church Ordinances
author title yearMAALutherans in the German language area
author title yearMABLutherans in the English language area
author title yearMACLutherans in the Dutch language area
author title yearMADLutherans in the French language area
author title yearMAELutherans in the Scandinavian language area (including Finland)
author title yearMAFLutherans in other language areas
author title yearMAGReformed Churches in the German language area
author title yearMAHReformed Churches in the English language area
author title yearMAIReformed Churches in the Dutch language area
author title yearMAKReformed Churches in the French language area
author title yearMALReformed Churches in the Scandinavian language area (including Finland)
author title yearMAMReformed Churches in other language areas
author title yearMANFree Churches
author title yearMAOChurches of the Union / also outside of the "United Churches"" of Germany"
author title yearMAPmiscellaneous
author title yearMAQChurch Ordinances
author title year MBgeneral expositions of liturgy, handbooks, comprehensive expositions (also concerning the reform of Agendas), etc.
author title yearMBAlexica
author title yearMBBhandbooks
author title yearMBCintroductions
author title yearMBDpopular liturgy explanations
author title yearMBEcomprehensive treatises
author title year MChistory of reformed worship in general (according to era)
author title yearMCAgeneral information concerning the Churches of the Reformation (also Church Day)
author title yearMCBall eras
author title yearMCCReformation and Old Protestantism
author title yearMCDEnlightenment
author title yearMCE19th until beginning of 20th century (ca. 1918)
author title yearMCFperiod between 1918 and ca. 1945
author title yearMCGsince 1945
author title year MDtheology and spirituality of reformed worship in general
author title year MEpastoral issues concerning reformed worship
author title year MFEucharistic liturgy, Lord's Supper: history, theology, liturgy, pastoral care
author title yearMFAhistory
author title yearMFBtheology
author title yearMFCliturgy
author title yearMFDpastoral care
author title yearMFEmaterials
author title year MGhomiletic liturgies
author title year MHBaptism
author title yearMHAhistory
author title yearMHBtheology
author title yearMHCliturgy
author title yearMHDpastoral care
author title yearMHEmaterials
author title year MIConfirmation
author title year MKPenance and Reconciliation
author title year MLOffice and Ordination
author title year MMMarriage
author title year MNLiturgy of the sick; liturgy for the sick and for burial
author title year MOLiturgy of the Hours, miscellaneous Celebrations of the Word, prayer
author title yearMOALiturgy of the Hours
author title yearMOBdevotion et al.
author title yearMOCprayer
author title year MPBlessings
author title year MQChurch year, calander, veneration of saints
author title yearMQAhistory (in general)
author title yearMQBtheology (in general)
author title yearMQCSunday, week, year (history, theology, liturgy)
author title yearMQDAdvent and Christmas (history, theology, liturgy)
author title yearMQEPaschal season and Easter (history, theology, liturgy)
author title yearMQFperiod after Epiphany; period after Trinity; remaining time in the Church year (history, theology, liturgy)
author title yearMQGcalander; veneration of saints
author title yearMQHresources (comprehensive)
author title year MRinternal protestant ecumenism
author title year MSLima Liturgy
author title yearMSAtext editions
author title yearMSBcommentaries
author title yearMSCmaterials
author title year MTresources and materials
author title year MUstudies concerning the Evangelical Church and theology (non-liturgical)
NAnglican Churches and their liturgies; Old Catholic Churches and their liturgies
author title year NAliturgical books, agendas of the Anglican Churches (also partial editions); Church Ordinances
author title year NBgeneral expositions of the Anglican liturgy, handbooks, comprehensive expositions (also concerning the reform of agendas ), etc.
author title yearNBAdictionaries
author title yearNBBhandbooks
author title yearNBCintroductions
author title yearNBDpopular liturgy explanations
author title yearNBEcomprehensive treatises
author title year NChistory of Anglican worship in general (according to era)
author title yearNCAgeneral information concerning the history of the Anglican Churches
author title yearNCBhistory of liturgy from all eras
author title yearNCC16th/17th centuries
author title yearNCD18th century
author title yearNCE19th to 20th centuries (ca. 1918; also the Oxford Movement)
author title yearNCF20th century
author title year NDtheology and spirituality of Anglican worship in general
author title year NEpastoral issues concerning Anglican worship
author title year NFEucharistic liturgy: history, theology, liturgy, pastoral care
author title yearNFAhistory
author title yearNFBtheology
author title yearNFCliturgy
author title yearNFDpastoral care
author title yearNFEmaterials
author title year NGBaptism
author title year NHConfirmation
author title year NIPenance and Reconciliation
author title year NKOffice and Ordination
author title year NLMarriage
author title year NMLiturgy for the Sick; Liturgy for the Dying and for Burial
author title year NNCelebrations of the Word, Liturgy of the Hours, prayer, homily
author title year NOBlessings (also coronation ceremonies)
author title year NPChurch year, calander, veneration of saints
author title year NQprayer books; resources and materials
author title year NROld Catholic liturgy
author title year NSCatholic Liturgy after Anglicanorum Coetibus
OOriental Churches and their liturgies
author title year OAiIntroductory studies of the Eastern Churches
author title yearOAAcomprehensvie editions of sources
author title yearOABlexica, dictionaries, atlases and other reference works
author title yearOAChandbooks and comprehensive introductions
author title yearOADintroductions to the liturgy
author title yearOAEcomprehensive history
author title yearOAFhistory of the liturgy
author title yearOAGcomprehensive theology
author title yearOAHtheology of the liturgy
author title yearOAIcomprehensive studies of sacramental celebrations
author title yearOAKcomprehensive studies of Liturgy of the Hours
author title yearOALcomprehensive studies of the Church year
author title yearOAMspirituality and piety
author title yearOANmiscellaneous
author title year OBByzantine circle of rites (Bulgarian, Georgian, Greek, Italian-Albanian, Italian-Greek, Macedonian, Melchite, Romanian, Russian, Ruthenian, Serbian, Slovakian, Czech, Hungarian, Ukranian)
author title yearOBAgeneral
author title yearOBBeditions of textual criticism; translations of manuscripts
author title yearOBCeditions of texts (eucharist, sacraments and Liturgy of the Hours as complete editions)
author title yearOBDeditions of texts: eucharist
author title yearOBEeditions of texts: sacraments
author title yearOBFeditions of texts: Liturgy of the Hours
author title yearOBGschematism, directory, calander
author title yearOBHcomprehensive studies
author title yearOBIstudies of the eucharist
author title yearOBKstudies of other sacramental celebrations
author title yearOBLstudies concerning Liturgy of the Hours
author title yearOBMstudies concerning the Church year
author title yearOBNmiscellaneous
author title year OCCoptic circle of rites
author title yearOCAgeneral information
author title yearOCBeditions of textual criticism; translations of manuscripts
author title yearOCCeditions of texts (eucharist, sacraments and Liturgy of the Hours as complete editions)
author title yearOCDeditions of texts: eucharist
author title yearOCEeditions of texts: sacramental celebrations
author title yearOCFeditons of texts: Liturgy of Hours
author title yearOCGschematism, directory, calander
author title yearOCHcomprehensive studies
author title yearOCIstudies of the eucharist
author title yearOCKstudies of other sacramental celebrations
author title yearOCLstudies of the Liturgy of Hours
author title yearOCMstudies of the Church year
author title yearOCNmiscellaneous
author title year ODEthiopian circle of rites
author title yearODAgeneral information
author title yearODBeditions of texual criticism: translations of manuscripts
author title yearODCeditions of texts (eucharist, sacraments and Liturgy of the Hours as complete editions)
author title yearODDeditions of texts: eucharist
author title yearODEeditions of texts: sacramental celebrations
author title yearODFeditions of texts: Liturgy of the Hours
author title yearODGschematism, directory, calander
author title yearODHcomprehensive studies
author title yearODIstudies of the eucharist
author title yearODKstudies of other sacramental celebrations
author title yearODLstudies of the Liturgy of Hours
author title yearODMstudies of the Church year
author title yearODNmiscellaneous
author title year OEWest Syrian circle of rites (Syrian, Malankan, Marionite, Jacobite)
author title yearOEAgeneral information
author title yearOEBeditons of textual criticism: translations of manuscripts
author title yearOECeditions of texts (eucharist, sacraments and Liturgy of the Hours as complete editions)
author title yearOEDeditions of texts: eucharist
author title yearOEEeditions of texts: sacramental celebrations
author title yearOEFeditions of texts: Liturgy of the Hours
author title yearOEGschematism, directory, calander
author title yearOEHcomprehensive studies
author title yearOEIstudies of the eucharist
author title yearOEKstudies of other sacramental celebrations
author title yearOELstudies of the Liturgy of Hours
author title yearOEMstudies of the Church year
author title yearOENmiscellaneous
author title yearOEOMalankan Church (general information/studies of the liturgy/editions of text)
author title year OFEast Syrian circle of rites (Chaldean, Malabaran, Nestorian)
author title yearOFAgeneral information
author title yearOFBeditions of textual criticism; translations of manuscripts
author title yearOFCeditions of texts (eucharist, sacraments and Liturgy of the Hours as complete editions)
author title yearOFDeditions of texts: eucharist
author title yearOFEeditions of texts: sacramental celebrations
author title yearOFFeditions of texts: Liturgy of the Hours
author title yearOFGschematism, directory, calander
author title yearOFHcomprehensive studies
author title yearOFIstudies of the eucharist
author title yearOFKstudies of other sacramental celebrations
author title yearOFLstudies of the Liturgy of Hours
author title yearOFMstudies of the Church year
author title yearOFNmiscellaneous
author title yearOFOMalabrian Church (general information/studies of the liturgy/editions of text)
author title year OGArmenian circle of rites
author title yearOGAgeneral information
author title yearOGBeditons of textual criticism: translations of manuscripts
author title yearOGCeditions of text (eucharist, sacraments and Liturgy of the Hours as complete edition)
author title yearOGDeditions of text: eucharist
author title yearOGEeditions of text: sacramental celebrations
author title yearOGFeditions of text: Liturgy of the Hours
author title yearOGGschematism, directory, calander
author title yearOGHcomprehensive studies
author title yearOGIstudies of the eucharist
author title yearOGKstudies of other sacramental celebrations
author title yearOGLstudies of the Liturgy of Hours
author title yearOGMstudies of the Church year
author title yearOGNmiscellaneous
POther theological sujects: Bible and biblical studies; dogmatics, fundamental theology, ecumenical theology, pastoral theology, catechetics, homiletics, canon law
author title year PAeditions of the Bible
author title yearPAAcomplete editions
author title yearPABeditions of the Old Testament and its individual books
author title year001-299   complete eidtions of the Old Testament
author title year300-599   partial editions of the Old Testament (excepting the Psalms)
author title year600-999   editions of the Psalms (non-liturgical)
author title yearPACeditions of the New Testament and its individual books
author title year001-299   complete editions of the New Testament
author title year300-599   partial editions: Gospels and Acts of the Apostles (including synopses)
author title year600-999   partial editions: Epistles and Revelation
author title yearPADrevised editions of the Bible
author title year001-299   popular editions (complete and shortened)
author title year300-599   school Bibles, bibles for children, etc.
author title year600-999   editions for liturgical use
author title year PBstudies of the Bible
author title yearPBAresources for studies of the Bible
author title year001-299   lexica and dictionaries
author title year300-599   concordances
author title year600-799   introductions, miscellaneous
author title year800-    spiritual development of the Bible (Old and New Testaments)
author title yearPBBOld Testament
author title year001-199   introductory issues, theology
author title year200-399   exegesis and special studies (excepting the psalms)
author title year400-599   studies of the pslams (not according to liturgical aspects)
author title year600-799   spiritual development
author title yearPBCNew Testament
author title year001-299   introductory issues, theology
author title year300-599   exegesis and special studies
author title year600-999   spiritual development
author title yearPBDextra-canonical writings, Apocrypha
author title yearPBEBiblical environment and archaeology
author title yearPBFTradition and reception of the Bible
author title year001-199   all eras
author title year200-399   Early Church
author title year400-599   Middle Ages
author title year600-799   Modern times
author title yearPBGhermeneutical issues
author title year PCdogmatics and fundamental theology
author title yearPCAdogmatics and fundamental theology in general
author title yearPCBhistory of dogma
author title yearPCCteaching about God
author title yearPCDchristology
author title yearPCEecclesiology
author title yearPCFmariology
author title yearPCGteaching about angels and demons
author title yearPCHmiscellaneous
author title yearPCIfoundation of faith, desacralisation, etc.
author title yearPCKlaity in the Church, feminist theology (woman and ordination in the Church see FLH)
author title year PDecumenical theology
author title yearPDAecumenism in general
author title yearPDBcontroveral theological literature
author title yearPDCrelationship to Roman Catholic Church -- Protestant Churches
author title yearPDDrelationship to Roman Catholic Church -- Orthodox Churches
author title yearPDErelationship to Roman Catholic Church -- Anglican Churches
author title yearPDFmiscellaneous
author title year PEpastoral theology and moral theology
author title yearPEAhandbooks
author title yearPEBhistory of pastoral theology/practical theology (evangelical)
author title yearPECfundamental pastoral care
author title yearPEDstructure of communities
author title yearPEEpastoral care of children and young people
author title yearPEFmiscellaneous target group pastoral care
author title yearPEGindividual issues of pastoral care
author title yearPEHpastoral sociology
author title yearPEIChurch in the secular environment
author title yearPEJChurch and media
author title yearPEKmoral theological issues
author title year PFcatechesis, paedagogics, religious education
author title yearPFAcatechesis in general
author title yearPFBhistory of catechesis
author title yearPFCeditions of catechisms and books about faith
author title yearPFDstudies and resources concerning catechisms
author title yearPFEcatechesis in the parish
author title yearPFFreligious education in school
author title yearPFGpaedagogics
author title year PGhomiletics
author title yearPGAhandbooks, comprehensive
author title yearPGBhistory of the homily
author title yearPGCcurrent issues
author title yearPGDhomily resources and indexing as well as collections of homilies and models for homilies in general (pre-conciliar)
author title year PHCanon Law, official Church statements (excluding liturgical law)
author title yearPHAhistory of law in general
author title yearPHBhistory of law: individual topics
author title yearPHCCIC 1917: editions, sources, resources
author title yearPHDCIC 1917: editions commentaries, special studies
author title yearPHECIC 1983: editions, sources, resources
author title yearPHFCIC 1983: handbooks, commentaries, special studies
author title yearPHGNational Church law
author title yearPHHdiocesan law (including synodal statutes, chapter statutes
author title yearPHIRules of Orders
author title yearPHJedicts, circular letters, etc., of popes
author title yearPHKedicts, circular letters of the Apostolic See (composed by popes and roman dicasteries, excluding the Congregation of the Rites and its successors)
author title yearPHLedicts, circular letters, etc., of Bishops' Conferences or their predecessors
author title yearPHMedicts, circular letters, etc., of the German Bishops' Conference or its predecessor
author title yearPHNedicts, circular letters, etc., of the Council of European Bishops' Conferences and other Bishops' Conferences
author title yearPHOedicts, circular letters, etc., of individual bishops
author title yearPHPCanon Law of the oriental Churches
author title year PIphilosophy
QHistory of the Church, Patristics
author title year QAgeneral information
author title yearQAAhandbooks, overall view, atlases, etc.
author title yearQABmiscellaneous comprehensive literature
author title yearQACmethodology and the history of science
author title year QBEarly Church (until ca. 700)
author title yearQBAEarly Church all eras
author title yearQBBEarly Church until 313
author title yearQBCEarly Church 313 - 700
author title yearQBDspiritual and cultural history of the period of the Early Church
author title year QCPatristics (until ca. 700)
author title yearQCAcomprehensive resources, overall views, handbooks, lexicons, indexes
author title yearQCBGreek Fathers and literary history: resources, overall view, handbooks, lexicons
author title yearQCCLatin Fathers and literary history: resources, overall view, handbooks, lexicons
author title yearQCDSources chrétiennes
author title yearQCESources chrétiennes (continued)
author title yearQCFmiscellaneous comprehensive editions
author title yearQCGLibrary of the Church Fathers
author title yearQCHThe Apostolic Fathers
author title yearQCIGreek Fathers of the Church and writings (excluding Origen and John Chrysostom)
author title year001-099   Fathers of the 2nd century
author title year100-199   Fathers of the 3rd century
author title year200-299   Fathers of the 4th century
author title year300-399   Fathers of the 5th century
author title year400-499   Fathers of the 6th century
author title year500-599   Fathers of the 7th century
author title year600-699   miscellaneous
author title yearQCJOrigen
author title yearQCKJohn Chrysostom
author title yearQCLLatin Fathers of the Church and writings (excluding Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine)
author title year001-049   Tertullian
author title year050-099   Cyprian
author title year300-349   Hilary
author title year350-399   John Cassian
author title year500-549   Nicetas of Remesiana
author title year800-849   Isidor of Seville
author title year900-999   miscellaneous
author title yearQCMAmbrose
author title yearQCNJerome
author title yearQCOAugustine
author title year QDMiddle Ages
author title yearQDAall eras
author title yearQDBEarly Middle Ages from ca. 700 to 900
author title yearQDCHigh and Late Middle Ages
author title year QEReformation, Counterreformation and Early Modern Times (until ca. 1800)
author title yearQEAall eras
author title yearQEBReformation
author title yearQECCounterreformation
author title yearQED17th / 18th centuries
author title year QFContemporary period (since 19th century)
author title yearQFAAll eras
author title yearQFB19th century
author title yearQFC20th century
author title yearQFD21 century
author title year QGPapal history
author title yearQGAPapal history and comprehensive literature
author title yearQGBPapal office, Vatican and its authorities
author title yearQGCindividual popes (alphabetical)
author title year QHConciliar history
author title yearQHAcollection of Councils and comprehensive literature
author title yearQHBindividual Councils and Synods (excluding diocesan synods, Council of Trent and Vatican II; alphabetical)
author title yearQHCCouncil of Trent
author title yearQHDVatican II
author title year001-199   past history
author title year200-399   Conciliar resolutions: texts, concordances, indices
author title year400-599   progress reports
author title year600-999   significance and reception
author title year QInational history
author title yearQIAGerman speaking regions and individual german regions
author title yearQIBBelgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg
author title yearQICFrance
author title yearQIDItaly
author title year001-499   general
author title year500-999   City of Rome
author title yearQIESpain, Portugal
author title yearQIFAustria
author title yearQIGSwitzerland
author title yearQIHEngland (excepting the Anglican Church)
author title yearQIIScottland (excepting the Anglican Church)
author title yearQIJIreland
author title yearQIKPoland
author title yearQILremaining Northern and Eastern European Countries (excluding countries with the orthodox liturgy)
author title yearQIMNorth America
author title yearQINSouth America
author title yearQIOAfrica
author title yearQIPSouthwest Asia
author title yearQIQremaining Asian countries
author title year QJdiocesan history
author title yearQJAGerman dioceses (alphabetical)
author title yearQJBmiscellaneous (alphabetical)
author title year QKhistory of individual places (alphabetical)
author title year QLhistory of Orders
author title yearQLAhistory of Orders in general
author title year001-399   all eras
author title year400-599   Early Church
author title year600-799   Middle Ages and Modern Times
author title year800-999   19th and 20th centuries
author title yearQLBhistory of the Benedictine Order
author title year001-199   Benedict of Nursia
author title year200-399   Rule of Benedict: editions and commentaries
author title year400-699   history and spirituality of the Benedictine Order
author title year700-999   individual abbeys (alphabetical)
author title yearQLChistory of the Franciscan Order
author title year001-299   Francis: person, Rule and works
author title year300-799   history and spirituality of the Franciscan Order
author title year800-999   historic Franciscan sites, abbeys and convents
author title yearQLDmiscellaneous Franciscan Orders and Communities
author title year001-199   the Clarisse, Poor Clares
author title year200-999   miscellaneous
author title yearQLEhistory of the Jesuits
author title year001-199   Ignatius of Loyola: person and Rule
author title year200-999   miscellaneous
author title yearQLFAugustine Monasticism
author title yearQLGmiscellaneous Orders and Communities (with shortened forms of the name of the Order, alphabetical)
author title yearQLHCanons
author title yearQLINew Spiritual Movements
author title year QMhistory of missions
author title yearQMAhistory of missions
author title yearQMBmissionary congresses
RPre- and extra-Christian religions and cults (i.e. pre-Christian pagan cults, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism)
author title year RAhistory of religion in general
author title yearRAAgeneral information, comprehensive expositions
author title yearRABissues concerning cult, sacrifice, etc. (non-Christian)
author title year RBReligions of the Greeks, Romans, Mystery Cults, miscellaneous Old Oriental religions and cults
author title year RCJudaism
author title yearRCAgeneral studies
author title yearRCBworship and prayer: editions
author title yearRCCworship and prayer: studies (also worship in the Old Testament)
author title year RDIslam
author title year REHinduism
author title year RFBuddhism
author title year RGAfrican religions, other tribal religions and cults
author title year RHsects
author title year RImiscellaneous
author title year RJinterreligious dialogue
S(Church) music, hymnology, collections of song books
author title year SAintroductory literature and the history of music
author title yearSAAbibliographies and catalogues
author title yearSABlexica and handbooks, comprehensive literature
author title yearSACanthropological, cultural history and philosophy of the fundamental issues of music
author title yearSADtheology of Church music (subsequent classification not yet taken into account)
author title year1   comprensive information
author title year2   Old Testament
author title year3   New Testament
author title year4   music of the Synagogue
author title year5   Early Church
author title year6   Middle Ages
author title year7   15th / 16th centuries
author title year8   17th century
author title year9   18th century
author title year10   19th century
author title year11   20th century
author title year12   after Vatican II
author title yearSAELaw of Church music and documents; organisation
author title year1   general information
author title year2   universal Church documents
author title year3   documents concerning parts of the Church
author title year4   organisation
author title year5   education of musicians
author title yearSAFgeneral studies concerning music and the history of music
author title yearSAGhistory of Church music
author title year1   comprehensive information (all eras)
author title year2   Antiquity
author title year3   Old and New Testaments
author title year4   music of the Synagogue (until the present)
author title year5   Early period of the Church
author title year6   Middle Ages
author title year7   congresses
author title year8   Modern age (Catholic/Protestant)
author title yearSAHCatholic Church music since the Council of Trent
author title year1   comprehensive information
author title year2   16th - 18th centuries
author title year3   from the Romanesque period to Vatican II
author title year4   Vatican II
author title year5   aftermath
author title year6   congresses
author title year7   post-conciliar liturgy and music
author title yearSAIEvangelical Church music since the Reformation
author title year1   comprehensive information
author title year2   16ht - 18th centuries (Orthodoxy, Pietism, Enlightenment)
author title year3   19th century (restauration)
author title year4   20th century
author title year5   21st century
author title year6   congresses
author title year SBGregorian Chant
author title yearSBAhistoric sources and editions of sources
author title yearSBBpractical editions: Ordo missae
author title yearSBCindividual texts of the mass
author title yearSBDGraduals -- Kyries
author title yearSBEPsalter -- Antiphonary
author title yearSBFmiscellaneous
author title yearSBGintroductions
author title yearSBHhistory
author title yearSBIspecial studies
author title yearSBJorgan accompaniment books / compositions for organ
author title year SCLatin hymnology
author title yearSCAsources and musical editions
author title yearSCBstudies
author title year1   introductions
author title year2   history
author title year3   special studies
author title year SDCatholic church songs
author title yearSDACatholic diocesan song books: (german speaking: alphabetical according to place and date of publication)
author title yearSDBecumenical songs
author title yearSDCGotteslob -- main edition
author title yearSDDGotteslob (alphabetical according to diocese and date of publication)
author title yearSDEmiscellaneous song books: according to (historical) date of publication
author title year1   editions until the year 1699
author title year2   editions 1700-1799
author title year3   editions 1800-1899
author title year4   editions 1900-1950
author title year5   editions 1951-2000
author title year6   editions since 2001
author title yearSDFmiscellaneous song books: according to addressor and occasion
author title year1   song books for children
author title year2   song books for young people (also song books for school)
author title year3   song books for women
author title year4   military song books
author title year5   song books of the psalms
author title year6   Orders
author title year7   miscellaneous
author title yearSDGmiscellaneous song books: according to foreign languages
author title year1   English
author title year2   French
author title year3   Italian
author title year4   Dutch
author title year5   Scandanavian
author title year6   Spanish/Portugese
author title year7   Slavic languages
author title year8   miscellaneous
author title yearSDHstudies concerning Catholic Church songs
author title year1   introductions
author title year2   history
author title year3   special studies
author title yearSDIpractical commentaries; resources, organ books
author title year1   concerning the Gotteslob
author title year2   other
author title yearSDJliturgy -- song
author title year1   comprehensive information
author title year2   Eucharist
author title year3   Liturgy of the Hours
author title year4   miscellaneous
author title year SEEvangelical Church songs (also other non-Cathoic Churches)
author title yearSEAsong books of regional churches: (German speaking; alphabetical according to regional churches and date of publication)
author title yearSEBEvangelical Church song book (EKG) 1949
author title year1   main edition
author title year2   editons of regional churches
author title yearSECEvangelical song book (EG) 1993
author title year1   main edition
author title year2   editions of regional churches (also Moravian Church)
author title yearSEDmiscellaneous song books: according to (historical) date of publication
author title year1   editions until the year 1699
author title year2   editions 1700-1799
author title year3   editions 1800-1899
author title year4   editions 1900-1950
author title year5   editions 1951-2000
author title year6   editions since 2001
author title yearSEEmiscellaneous song books: according to addressor and occasion
author title year1   song books for children
author title year2   song books for young people (also song books for school)
author title year3   song books for women
author title year4   military song books
author title year5   song books of psalms
author title year6   miscellaneous
author title yearSEFmiscellaneous song books: according to foreign languages
author title year1   English
author title year2   French
author title year3   Italian
author title year4   Dutch
author title year5   Scandanavian
author title year6   Spanish/Portugese
author title year7   Slavic languages
author title year8   miscellaneous
author title yearSEGChurch songs of other Churches
author title year1   Old Catholic
author title year2   Anglican
author title year3   other
author title yearSEHstudies concerning evangelical Church songs (also other non-Catholic Churches)
author title year1   introductions
author title year2   history
author title year3   special studies
author title yearSEIpractical commentaries and resources
author title year SFecumenical songs
author title year SGnon-ecclesial songs
author title year SHpolyphony
author title yearA   Ordinaries
author title yearB   Propers/Propers and Ordinaries
author title yearC   Readings and Gospel
author title yearD   Passion:
author title yearD 1   Matthew
author title yearD 2   Mark
author title yearD 3   Luke
author title yearD 4   John
author title yearE   Halleluia; responsary psalm
author title yearF   Canon
author title yearG   cantillation of offices
author title yearH   Liturgy of the Hours
author title yearI   Church year
author title yearJ   motets
author title yearK   choir books (excluding SDI and SEI)
author title year SIinstrumentation
author title yearSIAorgan
author title yearSIBother instruments
author title year SJEastern popular music
author title yearSJAChurch music
author title yearSJBhymnology
author title year SKbells
author title year SLinstrumental music for the liturgy
author title yearSLAorgan compositions for worship / schools for pipe and reed organ
author title yearSLBorgan and solo instruments
author title yearSLCsolo instruments / instrumental ensembles
TLiturgical model celebrations and practical materials excepting: dance, games (see CMF), First Communion (see ERD), celebration of the sacraments (see F), Celebrations of the Word (see GS), Church year (see HV), forms of piety (see KK/KJ)
author title year TAgeneral (not specific to a particular group) liturgical models as well as catechetical and other materials
author title yearTAAseries
author title yearTABcomplete liturgical models
author title yearTACindividual elements of worship: opening words, prayers, etc. and comprehensive
author title yearTADintercessions
author title yearTAEhomiletic resources and expositions
author title yearTAFmodels and collections of homilies (post-conciliar)
author title year TBliturgical models for various forms of celebration
author title yearTBAcomprehensvie information
author title yearTBBmorning and evening devotions
author title yearTBCdevotions
author title yearTBDmeditatory liturgies
author title yearTBEAgape celebrations
author title yearTBImultireligious liturgies
author title yearTBVvarious/miscellaneous
author title year TCliturgical models for particular groups as well as catechesis and materials for particular subgroups of persons
author title yearTCAseries
author title yearTCBcomprehensive information
author title yearTCCchildren
author title yearTCDyoung people
author title yearTCEschool liturgies (see also TDE)
author title yearTCFfamilies
author title yearTCGwomen
author title yearTCHseniors
author title yearTCIhandicapped
author title yearTCJclubs/organisations: Scouts, marksmen, etc.
author title yearTCKtourists
author title yearTCValienated Catholics
author title year TDthematic liturgical models as well as catechesis and materials with thematic focus
author title yearTDAcomprehensive information
author title yearTDBseries
author title yearTDCpeace and justice
author title yearTDDcreation
author title yearTDEecumenism
author title yearTDFmissions
author title yearTDGspiritual vocations
author title yearTDHHoly Year / Year of the Holy Spirit
author title yearTDVvarious
author title year TEmodels of games / religious games
author title year TFBible work
author title year UApsychology
author title year UBanthropology
author title year UCsociology
author title year UDmiscellaneous
author title year VAgeneral history and secular history
author title yearVAAall eras; including travel guidebooks
author title yearVABRoman Empire and period until ca. 700
author title yearVACMiddle Ages (until ca. 14th century)
author title yearVADModern Times
author title yearVAE19th and 20th centuries
author title year VBChurch history, canon law
author title yearVBAAll eras
author title yearVBBEarly Church (until ca. 700)
author title yearVBCMiddle Ages (until ca. 14th century)
author title yearVBDModern Times
author title yearVBE19th and 20th centuries
author title yearVBFdiocesan law of Trier
author title year VCchurches, buildings and art monuments
author title yearVCAcathedral
author title yearVCBSt. Matthias
author title yearVCCSt. Paulin
author title yearVCDvarious churches
author title yearVCEother buildings and art monuments
author title year VDsaints, religious persons, popular piety
author title yearVDAsaints and the blessed
author title year001- 299   general information
author title year300- 999   individual persons (alphabetical)
author title yearVDBmiscellaneous religious persons (alphabetical)
author title yearVDCveneration of the Holy Coat of Trier
author title yearVDDforms of piety
author title year VEmuseums, cathedral treasures and exhibits in Trier
author title yearVEAmuseums and libraries
author title yearVEBcathedral treasures
author title yearVECexhibits (insofar as not thematic)
Wspecial exhibits
author title year WApapers for courses of study
author title year WBstate exams and theses
author title yearWBAwith Fischer
author title yearWBBwith Rennings
author title yearWBCwith Heinz
author title yearWBDwith Dannecker
author title yearWBZmiscellaneous
author title year WCmiscellaneous academic works (insofar as not thematically ordered)
author title year WDcollection of the Postilla of Goffiné
author title yearWDAwithout editor
author title yearWDBeditor Diez
author title yearWDCeditor Steck
author title yearWDDeditor Kleyboldt
author title yearWDEeditor Ott (Pilz)
author title yearWDFeditor Hattler / Brehm
author title yearWDGeditor Battaglia
author title yearWDHeditor Florentini
author title yearWDIeditor Cramer
author title yearWDKeditor Seeböck
author title yearWDLeditor Auer
author title yearWDMeditor Schöning
author title yearWDOeditor Schwab
author title yearWDPeditior Wellstein
author title yearWDReditior Mazzarini
author title yearWDZunknown editor
author title year WERippell special collection
author title year WFParsch special collections
author title year WGMartin (von Cochem) special collections