Bibliothekskatalog der Abtei Dormitio


Neues Testament
------ The Layman?s Bible Commentary

10 Objekte

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NT(03 - 25)1Dietrich, Suzanne de Miller, Donald G./ Übersetzt von The _Gospel According to Matthew Englische Originalausgabe The Layman's Bible Commentary; Bd 16 Richmond John Knox 1973 152 S.; 19 cm
NT(03 - 25)10Love, Julian Price The _First, Second, and Third Letters of John - The Letter of Jude - The Revelation to John Englische Originalausgabe The Layman's Bible Commentary; Bd 25 Richmond John Knox 1971 128 S.; 19 cm
NT(03 - 25)2Minear, Paul S. The _Gospel According to Mark Englische Originalausgabe The Layman's Bible Commentary; Bd 17 Atlanta John Knox 1974 136 S.; 19 cm
NT(03 - 25)3Miller, Donald G. The _Gospel According to Luke Englische Originalausgabe The Layman's Bible Commentary; Bd 18 Richmond John Knox 1973 175 S.; 19 cm
NT(03 - 25)4Filson, Floyd V. The _Gospel According to John Englische Originalausgabe The Layman's Bible Commentary; Bd 19 Atlanta John Knox 1975 155 S.; 19 cm
NT(03 - 25)5Winn, Albert C. The _Acts of the Apostles Englische Originalausgabe The Layman's Bible Commentary; Bd 20 Atlanta John Knox 1974 136 S.; 19 cm
NT(03 - 25)6Foreman, Kenneth J. The _Letter of Paul to the Romans - The First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians - The Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians Englische Originalausgabe The Layman's Bible Commentary; Bd 21 Richmond John Knox 1971 152 S.; 19 cm
NT(03 - 25)7Hunter, Archibald M. The _Letter of Paul to the Galatians - The Letter of Paul to the Ephesians - The Letter of Paul to the Philippians - The Letter of Paul to the Colossians Englische Originalausgabe The Layman's Bible Commentary; Bd 22 Richmond John Knox 1973 144 S.; 19 cm
NT(03 - 25)8Rolston, Holmes The _First and Second Letters of Paul to the Thessalonians - The First and Second Letters of Paul to Timothy - The Letter of Paul to Titus - The Letter of Paul to Philemon Englische Originalausgabe The Layman's Bible Commentary; Bd 23 Atlanta John Knox 1974 131 S.; 19 cm
NT(03 - 25)9Bowman, John Wick The Letter to the Hebrews - The Letter of James - The First and Second Letters of Peter Englische Originalausgabe The Layman's Bible Commentary; Bd 24 Atlanta John Knox 1974 176 S.; 19 cm