Aaron‚s Lease Agreement

When you use the Aaron Ser­vices or send us emails, text messages, and other com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons from your desk­top or mobi­le device, you may com­mu­ni­ca­te with us elec­tro­ni­cal­ly. You agree to recei­ve com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons from us elec­tro­ni­cal­ly, such as. B emails, SMS, mobi­le push noti­fi­ca­ti­ons or com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons and messages on or through the Aaron Ser­vices, and you may retain copies of such com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons for your records. You agree that all agree­ments, noti­ces, dis­clo­sures and other com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons that we pro­vi­de to you elec­tro­ni­cal­ly com­ply with all legal requi­re­ments that such noti­ces be in wri­ting. Your carrier‚s messaging and data plans may app­ly to your use of the Aaron Ser­vices, and pay­ment is your respon­si­bi­li­ty. Aaron respects the intel­lec­tu­al pro­per­ty of others. If you belie­ve that your intel­lec­tu­al pro­per­ty rights have been infrin­ged, plea­se sub­mit writ­ten claims: Use of the Aaron Ser­vices is not per­mit­ted in any juris­dic­tion that does not enfor­ce all pro­vi­si­ons of the­se Terms of Use. By using the Aaron Ser­vices, you agree that the Federal Arbi­tra­ti­on Act, app­li­ca­ble federal law, and the laws of the Sta­te of Geor­gia, U.S.A., without regard to its con­flict of laws rules, will govern the­se Terms of Use and any dis­pu­te that may ari­se bet­ween you and Aaron.s. Except with respect to dis­pu­tes to be resol­ved by arbi­tra­ti­on in accordance with the arbi­tra­ti­on agree­ment con­tai­ned abo­ve, you and Aaron her­eby agree and sub­mit to the exclu­si­ve juris­dic­tion of the courts loca­ted in Atlan­ta, Geor­gia, to resol­ve all dis­pu­tes ari­sing out of the Agree­ment. YOU HEREBY KNOWINGLY, VOLUNTARILY AND INTENTIONALLY WAIVE ANY RIGHTS YOU MAY HAVE TO A JURY WITH RESPECT TO ANY DISPUTE (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, CLAIMS, COUNTERCLAIMS, COUNTERCLAIMS OR CLAIMS OF THIRD PARTIES) ARISING OUT OF, UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT. YOU AGREE THAT ANY CAUSE OF ACTION YOU MAY HAVE ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT OR AARON‚S SERVICES MUST BE COMMENCED WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR OF THE CAUSE OF ACTION ARISING. ON EXPIRY OF THAT PERIOD, THE PRESENT PLEA IS DEFINITIVELY TIME-BARRED. You agree not to enter into any joint ven­ture, part­ners­hip, employ­ment or agen­cy rela­ti­ons­hip with us as a result of the­se Terms of Use or your use of the Aaron Services.

Our com­pli­an­ce with the­se Terms of Use is sub­ject to app­li­ca­ble laws and legal pro­cess, and not­hing in the­se Terms of Use dis­tin­guis­hes our right to com­ply with govern­men­tal, judi­cial, and law enfor­ce­ment requests or requi­re­ments rela­ting to your use of the Aaron Ser­vices or infor­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded to or collec­ted by us in con­nec­tion with such use. No fail­u­re or delay by us in exer­cis­ing or enfor­cing any right or pro­vi­si­on under the­se Terms of Use shall be con­strued as a wai­ver of such pro­vi­si­on or rights, and no sin­gle or par­ti­al exer­cise of any right shall pre­clu­de any fur­ther exer­cise or exer­cise of any other right. If any part of the­se Terms of Use is held to be inva­lid or unen­for­ce­ab­le under app­li­ca­ble law, inclu­ding, but not limi­ted to, the abo­ve dis­c­lai­mers of war­ran­ties and limi­ta­ti­ons of lia­bi­li­ty, the inva­lid or unen­for­ce­ab­le pro­vi­si­on will be remo­ved and the rest of the Terms of Use will be in full for­ce and effect. Sec­tion hea­dings in the­se Terms of Use are pro­vi­ded for con­ve­ni­en­ce only and have no legal or con­trac­tu­al effect. The­se Terms of Use app­ly to the ful­lest extent per­mit­ted by law. The­se Terms of Use and our Pri­va­cy Poli­cy con­sti­tu­te the ent­i­re agree­ment bet­ween User and us with respect to the Aaron Ser­vices and super­se­de all pri­or or con­tem­pora­ne­ous com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons and sug­ges­ti­ons, whe­ther elec­tro­nic, oral or writ­ten, bet­ween User and us with respect to Aaron‚s Ser­vices. This Agree­ment may not be assi­gned by you, in who­le or in part. Aaron‚s reser­ves the right to assign its rights and obli­ga­ti­ons under this Agree­ment. The par­ties express­ly wish this Agree­ment and all rela­ted docu­ments to be drawn up in English.

The Signa­to­ries con­firm their inten­ti­on that this Con­ven­ti­on, as well as all rela­ted docu­ments, inclu­ding any noti­ces, anne­xes and aut­ho­riz­a­ti­ons, be drawn up in Eng­lish only. You may need an Aaron Account to use cer­tain Aaron Ser­vices, and you may need to be log­ged into the account and asso­cia­ted with a valid pay­ment method. If the­re is a pro­blem rel­oading the pay­ment method you selec­ted, we may char­ge for any other valid pay­ment method asso­cia­ted with your account. You are respon­si­ble for main­tai­ning the con­fi­den­tia­li­ty of your account and pass­word and restric­ting access to your account, and you agree to accept respon­si­bi­li­ty for all acti­vi­ties that occur under your account or pass­word. Your creden­ti­als should be uni­que, hard to guess, dif­fe­rent from your other creden­ti­als, and not shared with others. Aaron‚s does not sell or rent pro­ducts or pro­vi­de ser­vices to child­ren. Aaron‚s reser­ves the right, in its sole dis­cre­ti­on, to refu­se the Ser­vice, ter­mi­na­te accounts, ter­mi­na­te your rights to use the Aaron Ser­vices, remo­ve or edit con­tent, or can­cel orders. We reser­ve the right to chan­ge the terms, con­di­ti­ons, and noti­ces under which the Aaron Ser­vices are offe­red, inclu­ding, but not limi­ted to, fees asso­cia­ted with the use of the Aaron Ser­vices. At cer­tain times on the Aaron Ser­vices, the­re may be addi­tio­nal or dif­fe­rent terms, con­di­ti­ons, and poli­ci­es that app­ly to your use of this Service.

By using the­se Aaron Ser­vices, you agree to com­ply with the­se terms, con­di­ti­ons and poli­ci­es. We may chan­ge the­se Terms and Poli­ci­es from time to time. Aaron‚s will not modi­fy the­se Terms of Use „retroac­tively, and any chan­ges made by Aaron will be proac­ti­ve the next time you access the Aaron Ser­vices. By con­ti­nuing to use the Aaron Ser­vices after the chan­ges are pos­ted, you agree and agree to the­se terms, con­di­ti­ons, and poli­ci­es as amen­ded. Plea­se feel free to print a copy of this Agree­ment for your records. Deter­mi­ning the lea­sing power ™ requi­res the com­ple­ti­on of the digi­tal appro­val pro­cess for apply.aarons.com of a hire-purcha­se agree­ment, a lea­sing con­tract, a con­su­mer con­tract, a lea­se agree­ment with its own con­tract, a lea­sing agree­ment with an opti­on to purcha­se or, whe­re app­li­ca­ble, a lea­se. Appro­val is not gua­ran­te­ed. The appro­val is only valid at the assi­gned branch for 60 days from the date the app­li­ca­ti­on is pro­ces­sed. Not valid for use on Aarons.com or other place of busi­ness. Not all stores par­ti­ci­pa­te. Auto­ma­ted decisi­on-making requi­res a social secu­ri­ty num­ber. If for any rea­son the auto­ma­ted decisi­on can­not be com­ple­ted, addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on, inclu­ding refe­ren­ces, may be requi­red and the request will be pro­ces­sed manu­al­ly by the assi­gned branch.

Some restric­tions app­ly. Call or con­ta­ct the store asso­cia­te for more infor­ma­ti­on. Aaron‚s is one of the few loca­ti­ons to own retailers that gives you the free­dom to shop online or in-store. Wha­te­ver you choo­se, you need to pro­vi­de some basic infor­ma­ti­on to start your lea­se. Enjoy the bene­fits of lea­se pro­tec­tion, health and well­ness dis­counts, restau­rants, shop­ping and savings for con­su­mers. If you rent online, we will inform you immedia­te­ly if you are appro­ved for your goods. Appro­val no lon­ger means a wai­t­ing game. We offer afford­a­ble ren­tal pro­per­ty plans that work with your bud­get. If you choo­se to pay for your ren­tal plan wit­hin the same peri­od as cash, we will wai­ve the full cost of the ren­tal ser­vices. When you sign a lea­se online or in-store, you get an esti­ma­ted deli­very date.

We want to make sure you can enjoy your pro­duct as soon as pos­si­ble, which is why we‚ve made sure that the deli­very, instal­la­ti­on and con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on of your pro­duct is always free when you rent with Aaron‚s. Yes, always. (Even if it means we have to climb a few stairs.) If you have any ques­ti­ons about the­se Terms of Use, the Aaron Ser­vices, or if you belie­ve that we have not com­plied with the­se Terms of Use, plea­se con­ta­ct us at Aaron‚s, LLC, Legal Depart­ment, 400 Gal­le­ria Pkwy SE, Suite 300, Atlan­ta, Geor­gia 30339 or privacy@aarons.com. We will use com­mer­cial­ly rea­son­ab­le efforts to respond to and resol­ve issu­es. Last updated Octo­ber 21, 2020. †THE LOW PRICE GUARANTEE app­lies in store only to iden­ti­cal pro­ducts (. B for examp­le, make, make, model, war­ran­ty, fea­tures and access­ories) of a local com­pe­ti­tor that is in stock and avail­ab­le today com­pa­res Aaron‚s total ren­tal cost with the local competitor‚s total adver­ti­sed ren­tal cos­ts valid on the day Aaron.s ren­tal is ren­ted. Claims of $100 in cash must be made on the day of ren­tal and requi­re a copy of the offer of the adver­ti­se­ment or win­ning ticket from the local com­pe­ti­tor for the­se iden­ti­cal pro­ducts. The Low Pri­ce Gua­ran­tee does not app­ly to web­site pri­ces, limi­ted sales, pri­cing errors, pos­tal offers or dis­counts, pri­ces of com­pe­ting ser­vices, hand­ling or out-of-stock and open items. „Local Com­pe­ti­tor“ means the spe­cial ren­tal to own stores wit­hin a 25-mile radi­us of Aaron‚s store reques­ted for a pri­ce adjustment.


Weberbach 72 a, D-54290 Trier, Telefon: +49-651-94808-0
Fax: +49-651-94808-33, eMail: dli@liturgie.de